Chapter Three

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" Come on Ella, I know you can do it," Ivy's reassuring voice came from over my shoulder. "I can't Ivy, this is pointless. I havn't done it in years!" I spoke, letting out a grunt in frustration. I let my mind wander, tugging at my dark mass of curls. I need to find out how to trigger it. "I've got it!" Ivy shouted, her long green legs bouncing with excitement. " well then spit it out Red we haven't got all day" I sighed, a bitter giggle escaping my cracked lips, knowing we really do have all day. " it's activated by pain, and by feelings of rage and hurt" she replied, raising her chin up, knowing she's right. How have you not thought of that? Carmen's silky voice spoke. It made sense, every time I have used the gift in the past, I had been in extreme physical or emotional pain. My eyes wandered nervously around the room, my nails tapping the ground before I turned to Ivy, my hazel orbs meeting her green ones. "Hit me then," I whispered softly, nervous if I spoke to loud Guy might hear us. Her red eyebrows furrowing, her face holding a look of concentration as if she was battling her mind on whether or not to do it. She suddenly stood to her feet and grabbed the copy of The Great Gatsby, tossing it towards me. " get ready. "

As I braced myself for her attack, I started to feel jittery, as if I was full of energy and excitement. Finally, she jolted her leg upward, her foot landing in the center of my stomach. I let out a pain gasp of pain, tumbling onto the bed behind me. Embracing the warm aching pain in my stomach, I let my hands hover over the small paperback book, the only thing I was focused on. I could hear Ivy's soft voice in the distance, but I was only paying attention to the object in front of me. The old stained pages, the smudged blue ink on the cover. Nothing. " Fuck," I spat angrily, throwing the book to the other end of the room. I clutched the hair above my ears, muttering curses under my breath. I should have known this wouldn't work. It never works. " It's alright Ella, maybe you just need a break, we have been at this for hours." Ivy spoke, her tone radiating with compassion and care. " you're probably right," I sighed, letting out a breathe I hadn't even noticed I was holding. " we can try again later." She shot me a comforting smile, gently stroking my upper arm. I have always envied Ivy's looks, her gifts. She could charm any man she pleased with her beautiful fiery red hair and soft green skin. I wish I was more like her.

I was torn from my thoughts by the familiar buzzing sound of the door. Someone walked through the door, but it wasn't Guy this time, I did not know this man. I glanced at Ivy briefly, a confused look washing over her unique features. The heavy metal door slammed shut behind him, he continued to advance towards us, his officer hat tipped forward hiding his face. I saw Ivy's feature lighten, a sigh escaping her pink lips. " J," she spoke, relief flooding through her words, " you scared us ". When he removed his hat I noticed it indeed was the Joker. How the hell did he get in here? Where's Guy? Questions flooded my thoughts as I looked up at his 6'5 frame. He was good looking, there's no denying that. His sharp, unique features, his muscled stature. " Like what'ya see, doll ? " the words escaped his red painted lips with a sharp edge to them, like he was daring me to say something. The way he called me doll sending shivers down my spine. He looks so... Intimidating. The way he deep blue eyes stared into mine was enough to make me want to curl up in a ball and cry. " I-um I-I guess so?" I stuttered, choking on my own words. You sound like a fool Ella, don't show him you're scared. Let me take over from here I- "NO" I whispered firmly. I'm not going to let her take over, not again. " you should stop taking those pesky meds doll " he begun, a menacing grin forming on his pale face. " I know Carmen's in there somewhere, she seems much more fun" he spoke his grin spreading impossibly wider, revealing his gold teeth. " h-how did you know about that" I whispered shyly. The way he's looking down at my was starting to make me nervous. He tilted his head back, as his body began to shake with laughter. His large feet moving against the cement ground, I backed up in an attempt to get further away from him, my back brushing up against the cold, hard wall. " Don't'ya worry that pretty little head of yours doll, I don't bite." he spoke, snapping his teeth as if he was going to bite me. " leave her be, J" Ivy spoke, his head whipping towards her as he suddenly moved away from me.

When he was done talking with Ivy he left the cell, shooting me a flirting wink on his way out. " until next time, Carmen." He spoke placing his hat back on his head and leaving our cell. " what the hell Ivy!" I suddenly shouted at her, she jumped back in surprise, confusion written all over her face. "You told that psycho about Carmen?! How dare you," I spat at her, my face scrunching up in fury. " no i- he- ," she stuttered as if she didn't know what to say. Her eyes had filled with tears, hurt visible on her face. "He's got your file," she whispered, averting her gaze from my rage filled eyes. " WHAT THE FUCK " I roared how the hell did this psycho get my file? " it wasn't me Ella, I promise. He has the same doctor as you, I guess he got into her office somehow, I don't know-" she sputtered, avoiding eye contact. I let out a yell in anger, not towards Ivy, but towards that green haired creep. Angry tears flooding down my cheeks like waterfalls. A circle of flames irrupted around me, licking my skin but it didn't burn me. I embraced the heat of the flames around me, raising up my hands as they grew larger and larger. My whole body was tingling with excitement, it was like I was high on power. It felt like electricity flowing through my veins, and for the first time since I've been here, I felt alive.

Ivy's P.O.V

She let out a loud yell in rage, tugging at her hair. I couldn't help but feel guilty for the way she was hurting. I looked up from my shoes and glanced at her, but there was something different. Her eyes were glowing, like fiery red balls of flaming rage. Her thick dark, mane of curls stuck to the tears on her face. " What the hell" I shouted at her but she didn't seem to hear me as flames circled around her. I wicked grin formed on her angular face, as she raised her shaking arms, the flames growing larger and larger. Holy shit.

ASYLUM *a joker fanfiction*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu