Chapter 1

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Steve's POV:

It's been a couple of months since the last time, I put on my suit. And it was hard for me to tell if I missed it or not. After I broke Sam, Wanda, Scott and Clint out of prison. We've had to stay low and not draw attention to yourselves. We all settled in Wakanda thanks to the help of King T'Challa. I received a letter stating that the asylum where they have Bucky, has been showing signs of their systems being hacked into. Wanda, Scott, Clint and I went to do check it out. When we got there we saw that their systems were hacked at the different hours of the day and there was nothing left to track down where this person was or if it was more than one. Conversations started, we all talked for hours and some thought it would be best just to move him but to where? I didn't trust to leave him anywhere. I didn't even trust to leave him here at first.

Clint: It won't be long until they come for him… Us. We have to get out, Steve.

Wanda: Where would we go? As soon as we step one foot out of this country. It'll be the government coming for us.

Scott: And that's no improvement. But if we know people are coming but we don't know who they are then maybe we should go.

Steve: We are not going anywhere. At least here we are under the protection of King T'Challa. If people are coming to get Bucky, then we'll just be prepared.

(A man on the computer from the other side of the room starts typing and a low beeping sound starts coming from his computer which takes the attention of everyone)

Man: Looks like that won't be long enough. There's a lot of movement on the east side coming towards the building, they will be here in less than an hour.

(Lights on the entire building go out. The light flicker on and off before they stay on)

Man: Power in the entire building is off. All backup generators are online.

Steve: Alright then. Start getting everyone out of the building. They're coming now.

(Man says into an intercom in Xhosa which translate to)

Man: We have a code 2.1.1. 5.. Everyone must evacuate the building immediately. Repeat. We have a code 2115. Everyone must evacuate the building immediately.

Man: If there was any threat like this, I was told to alert the King.

Steve: Do it and once you do. Get out of the building and make sure everyone gets transported to safe location as far from this place as you can.

Man: Once the computer starts up again. It'll show you how close they are. Here are the numbers and the positions of the guards that will stay. If you need to check in with one just press in their number and say 'iwonga' get a responds, you're good if you don't. You should probably get ready to fight.

Steve: Alright now go.

Scott: I'll go put on my suit.

Clint: I'll go get my arrows.

The man leaves. After 42 minutes all the patients, doctors, nurses and the rest of the help are out. Scott is on the computer and it showing activity close to the them now.

Scott: They're here

(They waited but nothing was happening)

Steve: Scott, start checking in the guards.

Scott: Right… Umm what was that word that guy-

Steve, Clint, Wanda: Iwonga.

Scott: Oh right. On it.

(Scott starts checking in with the guards)

Scott: All 22 guards responded but then again I didn't know what they were saying so…

Clint: Are you sure the computer shows that they are here.

Scott: Yeah.

Steve: Try all of them again.

(Scott checks in with guards but one is not responding)

Scott: Alright we got something. Guard 20 is not responding. Neither are 21 and 22.

Clint: And where are those guards?

Scott: The main entrance.

Clint: I'll go check it out. Wanda, can you hand me the walkie?

(Wanda hands Clint a walkie-talkie. When Clint gets down to the main entrance he knows something shocking)

Clint: Guys we may have a problem here.

Wanda: Do you see the guards? Are they ok?

Clint: Yeah, they're fine I guess but its save to say their all gonna wake up with headaches.

Wanda: What do you mean 'all'?

Clint: I mean all the guards are knocked out. And I don't see anyone though. Tell Lang to pull up the security cameras maybe you guys can help me out here.

(Scott uses the security cameras to help Clint but he doesn't see anything)

Scott: There's nothing on the cameras. They probably moved up.

Clint: They said that their systems had been hacked into. Maybe within all that was-

Wanda: Clint? Clint?

(They see Clint draw his bow from the security camera right before the camera is shot down and the five cameras in that area)

Scott: Alright, I'm on.

(Scott goes to Clint aid. When Scott gets to Clint he is also in and out consciousness. Scott grads his walkie)

Clint: Shot. Bitch, shot me (He murmured)

Scott: He's good guys or at least I  thought, he's out.

Steve: What is it?

Scott: Guessing you're behind all of this mess… Oh. Oh. You're a girl.

Woman: I am a lady. And that is completely SEXIST of you but yes I am. And nothing personal mate but I am on a schedule.

(Wanda and Steve heard a woman say with thick British accent)

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