Chapter 3; Nico

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As I sat down in the very back, I tried very hard not to blush. The boy, Will, was hot. He had amazing blonde hair that feel just below his eyes, sky blue eyes, and perfect pink lips. It was then that my daydreaming was rudely interrupted by someone slamming their books on my desk. I slowly looked up, making sure that this person knew that I was in charge and I was not going along with whatever this person wanted me to do.

"Where do you think you're sitting, brat." Said a girl that looked like someone you didn't want to deal with. Her eyes had steel in them. I didn't care.

"In a chair." I replied, monotone, as always.

"That's my spot." She stated

"First of all, no, it's not, there's no assigned seats, and second of all, you sound like a toddler. Get a grip, this is highschool, not kindergarten, whiney-pants." Seriously, how old is this girl? She was fuming red now. She was probably about to throw a punch. A left hook, probably, judging by her foot position. I prepared myself accordingly and, of course, soon after she threw the punch. I dodged it and stepped on her foot, causing her to bend down and grab it, and as she did that, I pushed her to the ground and rolled my eyes. It was then that I realized that the teacher had entered the class and everyone was staring at me. I glared at them and they quickly looked away. The girl was still on the ground, so I raised my eye brow at her and she scurried away to her gang of pesky kids. I scoffed. The nerve of kids these days.

The teacher then announced to the class that I was the new student and was to be treated properly and started with the class.

I didn't pay attention the whole time and just drew. I was already way ahead of these other people. I learnt everything online, since my mom really wanted me to get a good education, even though I was going to be an artist.
*timeskip to after school*

I was walking home from school when a certain blonde boy walked up beside me.

"Hey! What are you doing here!" He cheerfully said.

"I'm going home, duh" I said in a bored tone.

"So am I! Do you want to walk together!"


Well... We already are so might as well keep doing it!"

I scoffed. "Whatever."


Hiya! Hope u like this new chapie chap! I just found this thing online and I wanted to share it with u!

------------------------------------------------------------Hiya! Hope u like this new chapie chap! I just found this thing online and I wanted to share it with u!

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