Chapter 2: Chicago

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*Picture of Andrea's outfit above*

Andrea's POV:

"Ok guys, someone is coming in to adopt today, she is looking for a girl who is 3-5." Ms. David said.

My eyes lit up with hope that maybe she will adopt me.

"Andrea you can stay back, it's not like anyone would want a piece of trash like you anyways." She said.

My eyes watered when she said that. It's true...not like anyone would want me.

I was put here when I was born, Ms. Davis said my mommy died when she was giving birth and that my daddy didn't want to take care of me because I was probably too ugly.

I got dressed hoping that maybe I'll be able to sneak dowbstairs. My friend Emily got the outfit for me. She is 17, she said that if by next year I'm not adopted, she will adopt me because she will finally be 18.

I saw all the girls line up that were from ages 3-5. I went to sneak into the line hoping Mrs. Davis wouldnt notice me until I felt someone pull me back by my hair.

I screamed knowing Mrs. Davis caught me. I tried to wriggle free from her grasp as she took me into her room.

She held me down as she grabbed the belt beside her had spikes.

She picked up the belt and by now I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

She hit me with the belt and I let out a blood curling scream. As she went to hit me again the door busted open.

Mrs. Davis froze in her spot, there was a really pretty lady standing there she had a look of shock and anger.

She took out her phone and called the police. A few minutes after the police came and Mrs. Davis was arrested.

The lady that found me said her name was Camila and she was here to adopt.

"Hi, I'm Andrea!" I said with a cheeky smile.

She laughed and said "How old are you Andrea?"

"Thwee." I said holding up 3 fingers.

She chuckle and said, "Well Andrea today is your lucky day....I'm going to adopt you."

I smiled as I hopped into her arms.

I hugged her so tight while saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Aww, it's really no problem, your a real cutie."

"I'll be right back I have to go ask someone if I can sign you out since Ms. Davis isn't here anymore.

As she went to go find somebody, I started thinking..."What about Emily?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I jumped up from my spot and ran into Emilys room.

I opened the door and there was Emily sitting on her bed. I started to sob as I jumped into her lap and hugged her.

"I don't want to leave you here." I told her.

"It's okay kiddo, I'll never forget you, and one day when I turn 18 I'm gonna get out of here and we're gonna find each other." She said.

Her voice was cracking and you could tell she was about to cry.

The door opened and it was Camila

"Is everything okay?" She asked with sympathy in her voice.

"I don't want to leave her behind." I said as I started to sob again.

"Aww honey, it's okay, I'll let you facetime her and we can even visit her if she is allowed to be outside of the orphanage." Camila said.

Emily gave Camila her number so that she could connect it to face time.

"Andrea it's time to go home." She said.

I let another tear slip down my cheek as I gave Emily one more hug.

I walked out the door rolling my small luggage. I didnt have many clothes.

We go into Camila's car, it was really nice.

Camila strapped me into a car seat and we started to drive off.

She turned the radio and one of my favorite songs came on. Miss movin on by Fifth Harmony.

(A/N: This story takes place in 2016 but we're just gonna act like Miss movin on didn't come out in 2013.👌)

Camila and I started to shout the lyrics at the top of our lungs. Camila was a really good singer.

"You like that song?" Camila asked me.

"Yea it's my favorite!" I said to her with a smile.

"Did you know that I sing that song with some of my friends?" She asked me.

I looked at her with a shocked face.

"Prove it." I demanded

She pulled over at a McDonald's and got out her phone. She looked up Camila Cabello fifth harmony and her pictures came up along with other girls.

My new mommy was a singer....

Camila pulled into the driveway asking me if I wanted something to eat.

"I'm not really hungry right now." I told her. I actually was hungry but I was trying to lose weight. Ms. Davis always said that I was fat.

"Have you eaten anything today?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I actually had an apple before we left the adoption center." I lied.

"Ok." She said as she pulled put of the driveway. I was starting to get tired so I slowly felt my eyes close as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

"Andrea honey wake up were here." My eyes opened as I remembered all the events that happened....I was finally adopted.

I smiled at the thought as I reached over to try and unbuckle my seat belt but couldn't reach it.

Before I could ask Camila she was already reaching over to unbuckled for me.

"Thank you." I said softly since I was still tired from the car ride.

She just smiled and picked me up to go inside of the house. I looked up at her was huge!!

"You live in a mansion!!" I said aloud

She just chuckled and said, "I guess you can say that.."

We went inside of the house and Camila set me down. I ran around giggling until I felt something wet touch my cheek.

I turned around to see a huge doggy, I giggled even more when he started licking my face.

Camila walked into the room and laughed, "That's Jake." She told me.

She bent down and said, "Jake, this is Andrea. Your gonna have a new buddy on the house!"

Jake started to wag his tail and jumped up. I giggled at his actions and started to walk around the house.

"Want to see your room?" Camila asked.

My eyes widened in excitement as I ran up the stairs tripping on at least 4 of them. Once I got to the hallway I realized that I have no idea where my room is at least and I'm just running around.

Soon Camila came running up the stairs laughing.

"My goodness your fast for a 3 year old" She said.

I giggled and replied "I ran a lot when I was at the orphanage...which foot is my room?"

Camila started walking to a door and opened it....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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