How to Survive a Shot Wound

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(Nic pov)

“Gak.” The sound erupted from my body. I dropped the cup I had been drying as the nerves in my body arrived to the conclusion that they should be feeling pain.

Shakily I looked down at my midsection to find where the bullet had flown through my waist. Not close to the pelvis or ribs thankfully.

Yet I wheezed at the sight, my blood soaking into my uniform. I grab a dry washcloth from the sink in front of me, applying pressure to the wound. The sting makes me stumble backwards my back collides with one of the coffee machines.

I heard a thud break through the siren's drowning my head in the noise. I manage to see Sin with her fist extended. Jordan on the floor now unconscious, his handgun traveling across the floor, hitting the wall with a tap.

I feel blood on my fingers as it seeps through the clothe. i already feel my vision blur from my loss of blood and i crumble to the floor.

Sin flies over the counter a moment later, remembering that i had been shot. I hear her faintly call out my name. She then asks if someone had phoned the police, then my vision blured out.

I opened my eyes as a shot of pain runs through my side. Paramedics flank me on both sides, I feel pressure leaving from my back so I assume I'm on a stretcher towards the ambulance.

“Miss try not to move, we are going to take you to the hospital, you are going to be fine.” One of the medics say to me.

I try to respond but my mouth had turned to sandpaper and find myself only able to nod.

I look around to see a few police cars crowding the door to Hellz Tea, caution tape already lining the scene. A decent size crowd flashes pictures as I went past.

My mind goes to Sin. Where was she? My eyes darted around frantically trying to spot her hair. I finally spot her conversing with the press, cameras surrounding her. She looks panicked, looking back at the cafe in time to see the medics rolling me into the ambulance.

“Nic!” I hear her call as the doors close.

Sparks of pain pass through my body as I stare at the car's ceiling, I ended up closing my eyes and reciting stroke tactics in my head to steer away from the pain.


When I came through it was early evening, the hospital room covered in a dark hue. My outfit was replaced with a hospital gown, a light blanket covering my legs.

Slowly, I maneuvered the cloth to see the wound site. My torso was wrapped in bandages and I could faintly feel a cold mush around it… I assume it to be dressing.

There was a small night side table to my right, a glass of water and remote were placed there. To the left were a few chairs for visitors. The iv was also beside me, pumping in the bags contents.

With nothing to do I find the rhythmic beeps of the heart monitor lull me back to a state of slumber.


This time it's morning. Still early for visiting hours I grabbed the remote. Fumbling a bit as I press the buttons as my right hand was my non dominate as was out of practice.

The early news was showing the cafe. Sin’s interview being played over the shots. “Only one was injured. The co owner of the establishment was shot and taken to the hospital. The culprit, a man by the name of Jordan Web, was unconscious when the authorities arrived and was taken into custody. The cafe itself is a fairly new location called Hellz Tea, it was received with fairly positive reviews by local critics and internet blogs calling the cafe “a place of wonderful atmosphere and awesome servers.” the news anchor relayed the information in the classic monotoned voice

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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