Saying goodbye

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Y: he saved me from it 
That's when I heard it *beeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
Y: noooo!
I start slamming on the buttons calling for Doctor and nurses they start pulling me out of the room
Y: I need to be there for Mark! MARK IM SORRY!!!!
I was being pulled out of the room by the nurses and they let me go I was trying to run back but Jack stopped me
J:Y/N stop
Y: I-I need to be there! Mark needs me for when he wakes up!!!
As I starts hitting Jack I just turn into a sobbing mess Jack then sits down with me
J: shh it will be ok
The doctor then walks out
D: Mrs L/N I'm sorry but he went into a coma there is a 27% chance he will make it
Y: no there has to be a way
D: you can decide what happens after you see him again
Y: T-Thank you
I get up and so does Jack we walk into the room to see many many machines hooked up to him I sit next to him and just go into a full out sob
Y: I-I  wish you*sob* could...hear me right now... but...I'm so-o-ry that I did this to you
Marks POV (hah bet you didn't see that coming)
Mark is in a dream world thing
M:Y/N don't cry please
Marks says tearing up and almost crying he then walks outside and just looks up at the sky he then sees a very bright light there was his dad,Daniel and other people he knew and loved that died
(Dd stands for dad and d stands for Daniel)
Dd: Mark it's your choice if you join us or not
D: do you wanna live on earth with Y/N or in heaven with us
M: can I have time to choose
Dd; take as long as you need we will be back though
M: wait! Dad I love you
Dd: I love you too
They dissaper as Mark starts to think his dad had been gone for half of his life so far but he loved Y/N very deeply he knew this would be a hard decision 
Hey guys welcome back I finish this on 8/28/16 but it won't be published till probably 9/16/16 or maybe before then I don't know it's hard being a writer you try it any way 425 words, Jack out!

After a goodbye part 2 to Tyler's sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن