Chapter 5

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I leaned against the door to our bedroom, and felt soft tears begin to trickle down my face. What would Dusk see if I walked in? He knows all my emotions, their shades, everything. Would he brush it off?

"Vega?" Koda asked as she brought towels in her arms, "Dusk is insi--"

I cut her off and looked to the ground, hiding my eyes from her, "I knew coming here was a bad idea."

How could I trust Koda?

She was the one who watched over you. From birth here, to life in the dreaded world of Leivana, and now. A fake-mother.

My eyes widened and I looked up to her as she placed a hand on my shoulder, before hearing a scream from inside the room. Koda and I both pushed the door open and I saw Dusk asleep, blankets close to him.

Koda glared to Jordan who stood over Dusk, barking and yelling in both his forms. I slowly walked to Dusk's bedside and sat by him as Koda hit him away.

Koda sighed and shook her head, "I wish they left you in Colotina."

"What?! Nah, I'm the one who keeps this posse sane." He said in response.

As they continued speaking, I glanced over to Dusk who had his eyes slightly open. He looked up to me and stared at my eyes. I knew it changed to black and he nodded his head in response. Lifting his hand, he said softly,

"I see beyond that black true colors of scarlett and blue. I won't ask, but I'm here if you want to talk," and he rolled onto his back. He looked to the ceiling and didn't have his eyes on me, but rather he looked to his scar as he rubbed my own. It tingled slightly and the light began to shine. He grabbed the mirror on the side of him and held it to show my face.

The black began to clear and he was correct, my eyes were scarlett and blue. I looked to Dusk who had sat up, stretching his back before groaning in pain.

Koda and Jordan looked toward him, and Koda placed the towel over him before giving him a bowl of soup. He stared at it and looked at his wrist as it began to glow brightly. He looked toward Koda and shook his head, and she took it away before he hugged her. He swung his legs as he made a fist, and his other hand clutched the bed tightly.

H-he can't possibly resist the poison.


Koda sighed before I walked to face Dusk and she said, "He's been resistant to the food I've been giving him," and she faced him, "My food is not poisonous."

He laughed and shook his head, "Maybe not in Colotina, but I know the smell of poison."

He stood up, his legs somewhat wobbling and he began to go toward the giant curtain that covered the window. We all watched as the stars shined brightly, and he materialized his jacket before crossing his arms.

His back faced us and he sighed, his jacket blowing slightly with no wind in sight. He turned to us and said, "Before we begin our journey to the dining hall, how about you three go there while I snoop around."

Koda said to Dusk, "I'll go with Vega, but allow Jordan to be with you."

I looked to Dusk who nodded his head toward me and smiled calmly, "Can you give us a moment?"

Koda and Jordan left the room and I sat down onto the bed. Dusk looked out the window, and sighed solemnly.

" you hate me?" I asked, looking at the scar that didn't glow now.

He sighed again and shook his head, "I don't hate you and never will. I'm not upset, rather, I'm worried for you. It was hard seeing Lux near you, I'll admit that, but..."

"How did were spying on me?"

He looked toward me and nodded his head, "I didn't know where you were going and I was only concerned for your safety."

I looked away and mumbled, "I can take care of myself."

"I know you can, but...."

"But what?"

He sighed and walked toward me, moved down to his knees, "If I can't feel like I can protect you, then I feel powerless. Vega, I read this book that says we need to be 'one flesh' but I never finished it. I know you won't leave me, but I just want to be beside you."

He placed his head on my knees and I, my hand on his head, letting my fingers rustle through his hair. I spoke softly and smiled, "At least you read that much. I know your intentions are good, but Lux doesn't interest me. This voice manipulates my emotions more and more, but what you did earlier with my scar showed my true emotion."

I still couldn't trust if that was real or not, and I was not sure if I could still trust my loving husband. This world was changing me..

I am changing you. Lyrids is your home,

"My home is with Dusk!" I screamed, retorting back the voice. Dusk looked up and tilted his head before I brought my hands to my face.

Dusk placed his hand on my face, "She must be someone of high power."



Dusk sighed and placed his other hand on my palm, "Silence the voice Vega. Help me silence it for now."

I grasped his hand and focused on silencing the voice.

I'll find you again! Just you wait!

Utter silence then came and I heard Dusk speaking softly, "So this is the voice? And her name is...her name is Lyra."

"Dusk?" I asked and stared at him intently, "What did you do?"

He sat up and shrugged his shoulders, "Imaginary or reality?"

"Dusk," I said seriously, not in the mood for games.

He sighed and looked at the door, "I'll go to dinner with you for you to watch over me. I'll tell you later tonight honey."

He materialized his swords and walked toward the door, pushing it open and walking with Jordan. I watched him before Koda came in, the voice still silenced.

Koda sat next to me and sighed, "Did it work?"

I looked to her curiously and asked, "Did what work?"

"The transfer..."

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