Chapter 6 Reuniting... Again

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I was about to walk out the door when Brea stopped me "Umbreon... Wait..." She said "I'm coming with you..." she announced to my horror "No, your not!" I said rather loud as she made a comment "I can help! all of those times I've been outside, I've been building traps and now I'm not the 7 year old girl you once new, Umbreon..." she said but I hesitated "No, it's to dangerous!" I said and I grabbed her by the neck and tied a rope around her "A LEASH!?" she yelled "Yes, your not going anywhere!" I said and ran out the door. "UMBREON!!!" she yelled in a distance 'I'm sorry...'

Still running through the woods I was stopped by a gray Umbreon, "Son, I took care of the guards, Espeon is in a hospital, NOW GO!" he yelled heading into the Dark clan 'bye dad' I thought and I heard a voice in my head that wasn't mine 'Bye son, now go save Espeon' Hearing that made me smile an I ran on, off into the psychic clan.

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