Chapter III

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I woke up this morning and had an instant headache I grabbed my water bottle and some Tylenol and the relief was instant. I had the worst sleep ever with sleeping on a springy pullout couch, and a brother who takes up half the bed. Nobody was up yet, hotel room to myself. I went to the bathroom did my business, brushed my teeth and washed my face and started my makeup I did my foundation, concealer, eyeliner, and eyeshadow when someone knocked on the door. Mom and dad probably ordered a wake up call but don't they call your phone. Puzzled I went to open the door. It opened wide when I saw him I have no intention of learning his name so him is what I call him. He stood there in black jeans and a plaid shirt, white converse and his hair on top of his head. I slammed the door and walked away knowing that at 7:30 in the morning is not a time I want to talk I did my mascara when I heard another knock. I opened it obviously annoyed with the guy. I opened the door and saw not the same guy but a different one he was kinda short with a brown quiff , dark blue skinny jeans and a jean jacket with vans. I looked into his blue eyes and asked a simple question. "Who are you and what do you want?"
"I'm Louis" "And?!?" "And what? Why I'm here?" I'm starting to want to leave this hotel. Either Europeans really like Americans or I'm hot to them. Hahahah I just made myself laugh "yes why are you here?" "What's your name?" God is that what he wanted ugh. " Eliza now goodbye!" I slammed the door again and finished getting ready.  I finished and decided to wear my black high waisted shorts with my white converse and my panic at the disco loose shirt. With my bangs pinned back. I sat down and got on my phone and went onto Pinterest I was scrolling thru when I saw him and the guy that asked for my name. They seem to be in a band called one direction. I honestly don't care you could be the queen of England and still be mean to the point where I don't like you. Mom and dad got up and dressed and Ethan just changed his pants and ruffled his hair. I grabbed a key card and my phone and my headphones. I plugged in my head phones and played this is gospel by panic at the disco and started down for breakfast.

I grabbed my tray and my plate and loaded only grapefruit slice after slice and one bagel with cream cheese. I sat down and started to eat when someone sat next to me. I thought it was Ethan but when I looked over I locked eyes with another boy with black hair with the tips dyed blonde he had on a leather jacket and black skinny jeans a long with some vans.  Starting to get fed up with all this in my most sarcastic voice said " can I help you?" "Yah got enough grapefruit?" He also had a British accent " yes now can you please leave?" "Yah bye Eliza" he walked away over to a table that had HIM and the guy at my door this morning I abandoned the plate and the tray grabbing two slices and I left. I'm fed up I went to our room and I wasn't coming no matter what. Then I heard a knock at the door. Probably Ethan mom and dad were going to the pool. I opened the door and there he was I was about to slam the doors so hard and he stopped it " excuse do you see me trying to slam the door?" "Yah but just hear me out." "Are your "friends" hiding somewhere?" He looked down at the floor "Boys out now!" The black haired guy came out, blue eyes came out along with a blonde haired one a no haired one " I have one question why are you all following me?!?" Harry spoke " This is Zayn, and Louis." And then pointing to the other two " and this is Niall and Liam, now boys out." He said sternly. They all left "Ok now talk!"

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