Chapter VI

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After swimming for a while I went back to our towels to towel off maybe work on my tan. I layed across my towel that I layed on the grass and closed my eyes. After about 20 minutes I sat up and applied some more sunscreen, when I looked over to check on the boys. I saw everyone except Harry. Starting to get worried that he left me I looked around quickly when my eyes caught some skank in a skin tight hot pink bikini with her blonde hair obviously dyed talking to him. He wasn't trying to get away from her and she seemed to be trying to get his number. Ugh the struggles of going on a date with a celebrity. He handed her a small piece of paper and she grabbed it waving her sprayed tanned hand goodbye. He was walking over to me. Furious, I grabbed my towel and threw on my shirt, shorts, and flip flops and started to walk towards my room. I'm just gonna pretend that he didn't show up to my room and ask for forgiveness, because obviously he doesn't deserve a third chance. I made it the pool to say goodbye to the guys and told them that I was going to my room and told them NOT to tell Harry where I was going.
I made it into the lobby and headed to my room and saw it was 7:30 mom and dad should be back any minute now. As soon as I changed into my pjs I heard a knock at the door. It was Ethan wearing an avengers t shirt shouting "I LOVE THE AVENGERS" over and over again. I went to bed that night wondering why he didn't come and run after me like a hero.

I woke up and decided not to go to breakfast I didn't want to run into him ugh I can't even say his name. I guess we're back to calling Harry him. Well he deserves it.  Mom dad and Ethan went to the lake today I told them I didn't feel to good, so they left me by myself again. After they left I heard another knock at the door.  Jeez if mom and dad left something just use the key.
I opened it and it was Harry standing there with tears in his eyes saying repeatedly "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so so sorry". Assuming he was sad that I left him I told him it was ok. He looked into my eyes and said "I slept with her". I immeadiatly went into shock and shut the door in his face and fell against the door and cried. I could hear from the other side of the door him crying "please Eliza open the door we need to talk please please I'm sorry" after a little while I heard other voices talking. "Harr you messed this up big time" Louis said "yeah a girl who liked you for you not for celebrity you" said Niall "guys I messed up big please help me get her back I don't want to lose her please i need her" said Harry "we'll help you but thisc is the last time" said Zayn.  I heard another knock and looked in the mirror to see how bad I looked. I opened the door and saw all the guys there " please just tell me what happened" I said as calmly as I could " the girl at the pool, I got drunk and slept with her. She said that I said I loved her I don't remember. Please Eliza I'm sorry." Why does this always happen to me. I always get stuck in the the middle of these kind of situations. Ugh. I just wanted to curl up and sleep. "Look Harry can we deal with this tommorow in exhausted and I want to sleep." "Wait sleep in my room please please. I'll sleep on the couch you can have the bed please Eliza I'm begging?" "Fine but right to sleep!" I wrote mom and dad a note and headed upstairs.

Thank you so much for reading! Love y'all. Also will be adding characters into  a new book so comment on the chapters and the convo board to win a chance to be in my new book!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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