Why cant i be normal

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I stood up and used her arm as support and walked back to her house. I opened the door and my mind was going crazy. What are u doing you idiot you can't get close to anyone! My thoughts just jumbled together and I just calmly walked to the bedroom. I lay there on the bed, angry at myself...at the world. Damnit I hate the way I am...I can never talk or get close to anyone! I hate myself!! "I hate myself!!" My eyes widened and I stared at the ceiling..."I...hate....myself...?" Wait I'm questioning it..? I do hate myself...but..."Her..." My mind begins playing memories of her.....I like her..."No...I don't" I say quickly don't think such things. I scolded myself. I slap myself and gets up to look in the mirror and my image shocks myself "What..." My clothes are tattered and torn. My hair is a mess. My eyes..."Black" they're black...solid black... I grab a pair of nearby scissors and grab a lock of my hair and just cut it. It falls to the ground and I keep cutting. Soon my hair is gone and I look back up with misty eyes.

 Soon my hair is gone and I look back up with misty eyes

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"I'm so sorry..." I say In a whisper like voice and just fall to my knees. I hear footsteps and I look up to meet beautiful eyes "You didn't have to do that" I immediately put my hand on her cheek and bring her face closer to mine. She smiles and our noses soon touch and then I realize what I'm doing No no no! Stop it! I then draw back and I see her eyes fill with disappointment and she walks back out.

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