1 - Giggle Goals

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"Huh?" Icy mumbled.
"you fell asleep again!" Whispered Cloud Daze. Icy yawned, rubbing her eye.
"Thanks for waking me up Cloudy, I would've gotten in trouble." She said. Icy looked up to see the teacher, Pollen Mint, talking about some due date.
She leaned over and whispered to Cloudy, "What's she talking about?"
He sighed and said, "We have to write about a goal in our life and make a step by step plan ok reaching it. Its due in two weeks"
    "Sounds fun! If I actually had a goal" she mumbled. Cloudy chuckled at that.
    "If you have any questions see me after class!" Said the teacher as the bell rang. Several students went up to her. Icy couldn't think of anything she had to ask, so she packed up her stuff and headed to her locker.
Gathering her stuff at her locker, she wondered what to do for her project, since she didn't really have a goal. She could ask Cloud Daze, he was always there for her, he wouldn't her down. With that in mind, she headed home.
    On her way she saw other ponies talking about their plans for the weekend. Many were going to see the new horror movie. Icy had no interest in anything scary. Hearing something behind her, she stopped and turned to see Cloud Daze flying up to her.
    "Hi!" He greeted.
    "Hey! Got any plans for the weekend?" She joked.
"Yep! Let me just check my totally not imaginary calendar thats obviously full of scheduled events" he said, laughing. Icy couldn't help laughing at his silliness.
"Anyway, You got any?" He asked.
"None, as always!" She replied.
"Good, I don't wanna be left alone." he said.
"When are you ever alone? You have me! And my books of course" said Icy.
"Your books are more sappy then tree sap. I'd sooner dance like a chicken in front of our class." He laughed. Watching him laugh made Icy chuckle. Soon they were both hysterically laughing. Ponies gave them weird looks, but they couldn't have cared less.
    At last, when the last of the giggling has subsided, Icy said goodbye to Cloud, and headed home. It wasn't until she reached her doorstep, that she realized, She'd forgotten to ask Cloud Daze what to do for her project. Before panic could set in, she told herself that she could ask him tomorrow, he wasn't gonna magically die in the middle of the night. Finally she opened the door and headed inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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