She awoke laying in a misty field of grass and blue bonnets, her favorite flower found only in south west of the United States. The fog and mist were so thick she could hardly see about half a football field in front of her.

Isla got up and tried to call out, but only a squeak escaped her lips. She jerked her head to the side, but instantly regretted that decision. Though her head could move, her neck let her go to far to the right. The searing pain that accompanied the action put her back on her knees.

When she got up for the second time she noticed a glimmer in the field. A glimmer that resembled the reflection of the world on a pair of glasses. She walked toward the strange glimmer, the closer she got she noticed a smell. The smell of familiarity. Perfume? Cologne? She still couldn't tell the difference.

Leaning down she picked up the circle of glass. It was only a few centimeters thick and had an Opal rim. The blues and greens of the stone still shine brightly even through the fog. Standing up she looked through the looking glass.

A tingling sensation over took the 25 year old as soon as the glass was near her eyes. She almost dropped the small glass, but she held on. Slowly and carefully she moved her head and squeaked at the pain it caused, but she was curious. The glass cleared the fog, and soon enough she saw a bridge. The bridge looked like the one she always saw when she stood by the cliff in St. Abbs. The small bridge lead over a small stream that turned into a water fall at the tip of the cliff.

What, the bridge to Terabithia? She thought to herself.

Isla started towards the bridge, she looked down at the ground to make sure she wouldn't trip, however that was another mistake. Looking down she saw herself laying on the ground. Her feet were inside the body on the ground. She screamed, well as much as she could. That's when she saw it. Her, well her bodies, head was twisted at an odd angle and blood turned the green grass red.

That explains my lack of a voice.

A light catches her eye coming up the hill. She ran to the light trying to yell 'Over here! I'm over here! Help'. She got no response back, all she heard as she got closer were the voices of men and one woman. She stoped running. Suddenly all the torches went to the ground where she was standing. Looking down she saw a phone. A woman in a police uniform stepped forward with a pair of gloves and a bag. Squatting down she examined the phone and put it in the bag labeled EVIDENCE.

Isla reached down trying to touch the woman but her hand went right through. She tried to squeak out where her body was but the woman didn't hear her, she just looked back at the men and held up the bag.

"I say we're on the right track lads. I say we spread out. Cover as much land as possible. The girl has to be here somewhere." The woman, who Isla identified as Morris, walked straight ahead.

Isla ran back to her body.

She stood by her body watching as Morris approached her corpse. The torch shone right into Islas eyes and she shaded her face in reflex. "Could you point the torch in a different direction?" She semi squeaked. Her voice surprised her, it wasn't as squeaking and empty as it was before. Her voice still had some squeak and empty aired tone, but it was fuller, almost like an angel singing its favorite hymn.

Slowly the torch beam fluttered to the ground and Isla saw the woman. Morris' head cocked to the side almost like she heard something, she quickly just shook her head as if consoling herself that it was just the wind. The wind picked up and something caught Morris' nose, something that smelt like iron. Her eyes filled with fright, then resumed their cold exterior. Taking a step closer she stepped in something warm and fresh. Looking down, her eyes broke their cold exterior and fright filled them once again. Was it fright? Or was it the look of remembrance? Isla couldn't tell.

The torch skimmed across the blood stained grass and mud until it came upon her finale resting place.

"Over here!" Morris shouted, soon the men appeared, all with same eyes.

I hope you guys enjoyed this first part. Please, please leave suggestions! I can't wait to share the next part with you guys!

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