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"Where did Daniel go again?" I asked when we asked to be dropped off at the local market here in Macau to look around, before heading back to the hotel.

Jack shrugged. "No one knows what that guy's doing." Merritt said, and we smiled as we entered a restaurant.

What are you up to, Daniel.



I broke away from the group to meet with someone from The Eye. Although we already have Kyle with us, I felt like there is still nothing happening. We're still stuck here and no one is even helping us.

Kyle has been helpful so far, but I thought that if she was sent here by The Eye, something should have happened already. Someone should already be saving us.

I push the thought of Kyle as I walk through the marketplace, finding my way to the meet up point. I called them from the magic shop, and they responded, saying they'll help us all. Although I feel like I'm betraying the group, I'm actually not. I'm doing this for us.

They might say I have control issues, and I know I do, but control is the best illusion. Someone needs to take control or else everything will fall apart. They need me. The Horsemen need me.

I wait at the meet up point next to a bunch of fruit stands, looking around for someone with a blue cap which is an indicator that he's a part of The Eye I have spoken to earlier.

I think of Kyle and what she would probably say. I know she'll be mad at me, but I know I have to do this. We might not be getting along pretty well, but I hope she will understand.

In the past few months of us spending time together, I've always been so fond of her. Although we hate each other's guts big time, I feel something different about her. She may be annoying and bossy at times, but she has always looked out for the group, something I've also been doing.

I push the thought of liking her away. No. It's not possible.

My thoughts were broken as I saw a familiar face walking towards me. "Dylan?!" I asked, wondering why he's here.

"Atlas, hey." He said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, fidgeting my fingers. He can't be here.

He rubbed his chin. "I'm here to help out. I know I've sent Kyle but---"

"Okay, but we clearly don't need your help." I said, hoping he would walk away soon.

"I know I messed up, alright." Dylan said, defending himself.

I'm starting to get angry. "You put everybody's lives in danger---"

"Where is everybody?" He asked, looking around. I stopped speaking for a while.

"Where is everybody? I can't be seen with you now, actually, I---"

"I got it, okay. I appreciate you taking the time --"

I let out a laugh. "You look like you need some rest buddy."

He raised his eyebrows. "Who are you meeting here?"

"I'm not meeting anybody." I said immediately, turning away from him.

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