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I wish people would see how even a simple thing could greatly affect me.

I spent an entire day in the room, not even bothering to come out to eat or to talk to anyone. Whenever someone would check up on me, I would pretend to sleep, and then I just lay awake thinking of all the things that has happened for the past few months.

How did I even get here? What would happen if I choose to stay with my family and not come with Dylan? What would happen if I didn't become a part of The Eye?

Questions filled my mind most of the time. Sometimes I would tear up, remembering all the hardships I've been through just to get to where I am now. Are all of those worth it, though?

Thinking about Dylan and how he has helped me made me appreciate everything but somehow, it's still wasn't enough.

I am usually the type of person who's very insecure about herself, and that whenever I feel I disappoint someone else, it will have a bad effect on me.

That's why when I found out Daniel and the rest of the Horsemen have been going behind my back to talk with The Eye, I was hurt. Really bad.

It feels like I've disappointed them a lot and that all the work I'm doing is just worthless.

"Kyle." My thoughts were broken at the sound of Dylan's voice.

I closed my eyes and parted my lips a bit, pretending to sleep. "You might have fooled the others but you know you can't fool me. I know you're awake." He said, and I opened my eyes.

I carefully sat up, seeing him leaning on the wall next to the closed door. "You need to eat something."

"I'm not hungry." I said instantly.

He shook his head. "Then you need to go out of this room."

"Dylan." I said looking up at him. "You know I can't, right?"

"I know you can. You just won't."

I sighed. "I need more--"

"Time?" He said, slowly walking towards me. He sat on the edge of the bed, putting an arm on his stomach. "We don't have that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, wondering.

"We need to do something already. About Walter, about Tressler, anything." He said.

I rubbed a hand on my forehead, feeling a headache coming from lack of sleep. "You take care of it. Let your Horsemen do something about it."


"Don't." I said, stopping him as I raise my palms up. "Don't use that against me."

"I'm not using your old name against you." He retorted. "Could you please just listen?" He added and I took a deep sigh, waiting for him to continue. "We need to plan something. The Eye is already asking us to do something about it. We can't let them down."

"I can't work with them anymore." I said bluntly, nodding my head at the direction of the door, referring to the 4 magicians outside of it. "I can't, I don't want to."

He took a deep breath. "You know how controlling Atlas is right? You know he doesn't do well when he knows that what they're doing isn't being appreciated, or when he feels like all they're doing is just basically nothing."

"So?" I asked.

"So forgive them. Understand them and just listen to them. Keep in mind where they're coming from." He said, and I rolled my eyes. "You are becoming as stubborn as them, Kyle. Don't let who they are change you. You're not like that." He added, reaching out to grab my left hand. "I know they are so hard to deal with, but please, bear with them. I need you. I can't do this without you." He said, and I tightened the grip he has on my hand. "Please. We need you."

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