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I woke up to hear Natalya and her father talking "why'd she faint? She changes all the time when she's angry so it shouldn't of effected her this much." Natalya's voice drifted into the lounge room. "She's stronger than any other werewolf, even alpha's. She has powers, she can read minds and she can talk to animals. Maybe she was getting all her powers?" Her dads voice answered. I grunted as I got up. Almost instantly I tripped over a pillow. "MERIDA!" I cursed as I regained my balance. Natalya and her father came rushing in. "Angel, are you alright?" Natalya fretted with me until i slapped her hand away with an expression of play anger.

"Angel, can you tell me what you were dreaming about. You were kicking around." Natalya's father worried.

"Umm... I was in my wolf form, golden pelt, and i was running with another wolf with a white pelt, he smelt of lavender and roses. We were running through a forest when he suddenly stopped and growled. Then black wolves came out and said they were here to take the werewolf angel..." My voice cutting out as it became painful to talk about, which Natalya's dad noticed. "Thanks Angel, I talked to Julieanne for you and you can stay here tonight." I wondered why he didn't say 'i called your mom' but he was already out of the room before i could ask.

I felt my phone start buzzing and i realised i had a message from Jake. 'Meet me at the park at 8:00, we need to talk privately, wear black. Please reply so i know you got this. I'll be at the trees where we usually sit.' i quickly replied with a simple 'okay?' before getting dressed and looked out the hallway. No one was out so i snuck down to the door and slipped outside. I put on my knee high boots and started up my Harley.

Once i got to the park it was 7:40 so i decided to climb a few of the trees. Eventually I found a comfortable branch to settle into and after about 5 minuets Jake came out and looked around confused. He flipped out his phone, dialled a number and scratched his head. My phone started to ring. I answered by saying "Geez man, ya blind or somen'?" I asked and as he looked up i smirked and hung up. Jake climbed up the tree and i smelt the same aroma i smelt in my dream of lavender and roses. I brushed away the thought of him being the one as he came closer. "How the hell did you get up here angel?" he said out of breath. I smirked again as he settled down next to me. "What's up Jakey?" i asked, mocking the name my friend Moesha gave him. He slapped the back of my head with a smile almost knocking off my headphones. "Well, I need to talk to you about something, but two things before one, don't EVER call me that again and two, can you explain why your American accent, which came from nowhere as you have neither been there and you aren't even American, makes me wanna be with you more?" Me thinking he was joking said "Cause American accents are smexay Jakey" i smirked at him as he rolled his eyes. "Okay back to what i need to talk to you about, you know how we're both werewolves?" he asked me, not knowing where this was going, i nodded my head in confusion. "Well i found out something that really scared me and i know i can trust you, so..." he took a deep breath and grabbed my hand, which automatically warmed up with tingles "I found out I'm alpha of the Dark Moon tribe." He stared at me expecting hatred or jealousy. I surprised him by hugging him tightly ignoring the sparks saying "That's awesome Jake!" I felt him sigh as he hugged me back. "The only thing is, it's in back in England." I instantly dropped the hug. "But... Oh." I said fighting back tears threatening to shred my cheeks. "I'm sorry Angel. I want to go but... I would have to leave everyone and everything i love, i think i might de-" before he even finished the sentence i jumped in "NO! I mean i don't want you to leave but you get to be ALPHA! Jake, this is a one in a life-time thing. You have to take this. Do it for me."I whispered the end with a sympathetic smile and put a hand on his. With one last glance i jumped down from the tree and heard Jake whisper "I love you, mate."

I managed to ride back to Natalya's place without crying, but as soon as i got into my temporary room, i burst into tears. My mate, my best friend, my little joker, gone...

Natalya came running into my room. "Angel what's wrong?"

"I've lost him tahly, he's gone..." aware she had no idea who i was talking about, i started to explain. "I met up with Jake at the park before, i found out we were mates and he told me he was going back to England so he can be Alpha... well i had to convince him not to turn it down."

"Oh angel, I'm sorry." she said softly, holding my gently rubbing my back as i silently sobbed.

>>>>>>Jakes POV<<<<<<

Oh god, Holly, the person who I've trusted with everything, my best friend, my comforter, is my MATE? I only just found out while we were talking, now she's walking away with that little hip-sway thing she has. This might very well be the last time i saw her. I tried to remember her sweet autumney smell, her thick American accent that she randomly has, her beautiful hazel eyes that constantly change colour. I tried hard to mould her into my mind so i wouldn't forget her, not that i would, even if i could.

I got home around 9:00 and i was still alone. I was leaving tomorrow morning. I texted my friend Nathan to tell him i was moving to England and i wanted him to look over Holly for me. At every thought of her, my heart twisted in pain. I decided to put on music while i pack so i got out my head phones, plugged them into my iPod and started playing music. Of course, just to torture me, the first song that came on was 'i need you now', the song Holly made me listen to. I now regarded that song as 'our song' and every time it came on we both would sing it, it worked perfectly as there was a female singer and a male. I started singing along to my part and imagined her angelic voice singing along with me which made tears prick my eyes.

I had finished packing and it was only 9:30. I decided to call Holly to make sure she's alright, she'd still be up by now, listening to music and reading, she always does that until 12. I picked up my phone, found her number under angel with the photo i took of her in a dress she wore for a dinner we had with our friends. After about two rings i heard Natalya answer "Hello?"

"Uhh, hey Tahly, is Holly there, i wanted to talk to her..." I waited anxiously as i heard shuffling then Holly picked up with a rough voice, obviously trying to either not cry or just stopped crying. "Hey, sup?" her accent making me swoon. "Hey Angel, I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving tomorrow and I'll text you or call you once i get there so you know i got there safe." There was a silence as i heard a door click and i heard Holly break down in tears.

"Sorry about crying, ugh I'm being such a woos." I heard a loud thud that sounded like a book falling to the ground "there's no reason to be sorry, but why are you crying?" I really was clueless, when it comes to Holly she really was unpredictable, that was one of the things i loved about her

"I know i told you to go, but i really don't want you to, I'm gonna miss you so much and I'll only have Natalya here for me..." her voice rising and falling as her attempts to stop crying faltered "what about dylan?" i spat out his name, that kid has always been in love with my Holly, he was always taking her from me and she OBVIOUSLY didn't like him like that.

"J-Jake you know I just want him to leave me alone. This sounds pathetic, girly and seems weird as i just told you to go, but i really just want you here." as she spoke her voice became glasses with pain and her 'here' almost in audible as her voice dropped into a soft sob

"Angel, don't cry. Please don't do anything stupid when i go..." i pleaded. I didn't think she was going to like have sex with a random guy and get knocked up or get drunk 24/7. What i meant was i didn't want her to kill herself, she has both depression and anxiety so she finds it hard to see the good things in life.

"Jake i...i... *sigh* i got to go, text or call when you get to England. PLEASE BE SAFE!" She pleaded "Alright, Bye Angel." I said as i hung up "I love you" I sighed afterwards. i turned back on my music and packed my suitcase into my BMW, got in and started the long drive to the airport.


Author's note

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