Bad Practice

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>>>Holly's POV<<<

Jake fell asleep on my shoulder during class. Though what annoyed me was that i didn't mind it, i actually enjoyed it. I know we're mates and all, but he's a heartbreaker, he's broken mine countless times.

When class finished, i gently shook Jake's shoulder to wake him. "Come on, time to wake up." i said softly, careful not to startle him. "how long was i asleep for?" he yawned, stretching those perfect muscles and rubbing his sky blue eyes. "The whole lesson. You missed out on nothing, only three people managed to get through unhurt out of the six people that went up." i smiled down at his startled look, which seemed to assure him.

We walked back up to the garden where Cameron, Charlotte and Chelsea were sitting on a white bench. I sat on the rope swing, my favourite place, and Jake sat on the floor in front of us. "What's up chikka's?" i asked once i sat down. Chelsea and Charlotte giggled, Cameron held back a laugh and Jake stared at me adoringly. Once again i got lost in his dimples. Why the hell does he have to have dimples? It makes him so much more irresistible! I thought to myself.

"Angel, why must you say that?" Cameron just made out through his attempts to hide his amusement. "Because, it makes you laugh!" i said while crossing my eyes and sticking out my tongue, with that, Cameron burst out laughing and almost fell off his part of the bench. Feeling the need for food, i asked if anyone wanted anything. Everyone shook their heads so i shrugged and walked away.

I got to the food court and bumped into a familiar face. OMG! it was Ryan...

Authors note

Okay so did you see how i made her three friends names start with the same letter? cleaver right? lol, well Ryan is Holly's over protective ex who is still madly in love with her! ;) hope that helped!

>>>Jakes POV<<<

After Holly left, i decided to go for a walk. I got to the stairs to the backyard when Holly's voice came into my head 'JAKE, HELP!'

'Where are you?' 'At the food court! Ryan's here!'

At the food court i found Holly nervously laughing while Ryan was trying to get her hand. I walked over, took her hand and asked "what do you think you're doing with my mate?" Ryan's eyes widen to the size of saucers "s-sorry Alpha." Ryan stuttered.

Ryan skittered away and Holly stretched up to my ear and whispered "Thanks, sweetie." Then she kissed my cheek. She walked away giggling while i stood frozen by the shock of it. Did Holly really just kiss my cheek? If so, why? She-she hates me... doesn't she?

I was thinking about it for the whole lunch until the bell went signalling time for class. Now i had battle training. I was in the second highest rank, even though i was Alpha. The highest group was for those with special powers to help with the fight. Holly was in the highest group. Only three other people were in that group so they often practiced fighting with our group.

I pushed open the massive two steel doors and found the major group sitting on the mat watching Holly in her golden wolf form destroying the steel dummy they had for her. She needed a steel one as she dismantled the wooden ones in two seconds. Holly goes through these quickly as well, but it takes her a little while longer. The other majors were processing her techniques. Soon after the steel dummy was every where over the room. Scarlet, a pale brown wolf with hazel eyes, walked up to the storage room and brought out another two for Holly and I couldn't help but admire as her eyes flashed a green and she zipped between the dummy's and destroyed them.

I shifted and stalked over to the strength group, which was my group, and settled down waiting for the majors to finish their little practice so we could start fighting.

Soon John, from the majors, got up and guided Holly and the other two to our small group. I growled as Holly's muzzle was scared. She raised an eyebrow and i just shrugged.

Mrs Gold walked over and told us our partners, I was paired with Anastasia, a white wolf with gold eyes, and Holly was paired with James. The teacher called Holly's name as they were setting up and Holly whipped her head around to look as the teacher waiting for an answer and James jumped on her back and dug his teeth into her neck, causing her to yelp and go limp. I growled loudly and launched at James making him fly across the room. I sprinted to Holly's side and noticed she wasn't breathing.

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