Chapter 9

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The figures fuzzed waywardly on the screen as the wind knocked the television ariel fixed to the roof of our house backwards and forwards like a wonky see-saw. The programme on was a soap of some kind, not something I normally watched, but my mind was too distracted to care.

I had been glad, well, more relieved actually, when the clock finally struck seven and it was time for me to get a move on. Relieved that this whole 'date' thing would soon be over. Thankful that, after tonight, I could just go back to being mopey, lonely old Reece and focus on distracting myself from the things I didn't want to dwell.

Outfit wise, I had decided on light blue jeans, a black shirt and a grey knitted jersey, just to accentuate the fact that I really couldn't give a damn. My hair had been useless but manageable; pulled back into a sloppy ponytail you could hardly notice how unbearably thin it was, not that I cared what Maverick thought. It was sad really how much I was kidding myself that tonight didn't bother me in the slightest, when in reality, tonight was the beginning of a whole new chapter. The night when I could finally forget about Oscar. It was a stupid cliche, but weirdly true.

Despite the wind that was howling like a banshee on steroids, the night was dry and surprisingly warm. I tugged at my jersey as I turned the corner of the road leading up to the cinema downtown. Trust tonight to be the night when the weather finally behaved itself.

The butter coloured light of the cinema shone dimly ahead of me and I let out a shaky breath. It had been months since I had been on a 'date', and years since I had been on a first one. With Oscar, we didn't go out much; I liked to think that it was because we didn't need anyone or anything else to keep our relationship working, but the truth was that Oscar was possessive. A trip to the park could mean that I would be eyeing up other lads. A walk down to the sea pool could mean I could spot a teenager in his swimming trunks. Even a simple visit to the shops might tempt me to leave Oscar and make out with someone else instead. Sometimes I wanted to know what was going on inside his mind, but most of the time I was too scared to. His bedroom and the beach were the only places we would be seen together, and even then, no one saw us. There wasn't space for anyone else, that's what he told me. I guess it was just another way for him to tighten his grip on me, keep me firmly in his possession.

I spotted Maverick first. He was standing there, leaning against the outside wall listening to music, his left foot tapping a silent rhythm, his head rocking back and forth in time with a beat. He was dressed well: his dark blue jeans were carefully pressed and the black cotton shirt he was wearing clung to his hard chest impressively. Altogether, his outfit gave a slight hint of designer, but not in an overpowering way. It seemed to me that Maverick just didn't realise how beautiful he was.

"What are you listening to?"

He jumped backwards in shock, but quickly composed himself. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards in a gorgeous lopsided smile. "Good evening to you too, Reece".

"Sorry. I was just curious."

He shoved his hands deep into his pockets and surveyed me under his deep set brows. "Do you ask that question to all guys on the first date?"

"I thought this wasn't a date."

As soon as I detected that joking smirk play across his lips I swatted him with my arm, the setting sun casting a warm glow over his caramel eyes.

"I didn't know you were so sensitive," Maverick chuckled, "I guess we've got a lot to learn about each other."

All of a sudden I was distinctly aware of how close his hand was to mine as it dangled carelessly down his side. Of how soft his voice was. Of how serious his gaze was, fixed right on me, holding my eyes to his. For a second I thought about what this guy was after, why he was behaving this was with a girl he had met barely a week ago. Then, as Maverick finally broke my gaze and opened the door to the homely, cozy cinema, I decided that really, I couldn't care less.

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