awkward silence (nick)

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I wake up to my alarm trying to remember my dream wich is pointless. My mom walks in and tells me to hurry up and get dressed while she bends down to turn off the alarm. I put on a galaxy t-shirt and ripped jeans then pull a grey beanie over my head, not bothering to do my hair. I eat a quick bowl of cereal and drive to school.

I get to school and find my best friend zach, me and him have known each other since we were little.

"Hey dude"
"You heard bout that new girl?" I'm starting to get curious zach has never talked about any girl but ariel."nah why?"he laughs and says "you'll understand later."with a lagh he walks away.

I hear the bell and go to class I have science first period. I sit in the back with an empty desk beside me. A few minutes later a girl walks in she is beautiful. She comes to the back and sits by me.

Then the teacher partners the classs up and guess who I end up with. Her I don't even know her name. We're saposed to tell each other a little about ourselves, we sit silently.

Nick BeanWhere stories live. Discover now