Special Contest #2 (CLOSED)

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NOTE: There will be sashes handed out to the person that has won first place, 3 times and also one for the person that enters the most in this contest series!

Hey guys!! Here is the ANOTHER special contest for you!

We will have a guest judge joining us for this contest and later on in the future:
MissHS  <~ Feel free to follow her

For this challenge only the 1st-3rd placers will get the extra prizes. Please tag someone in this.

Graphic Type: Icon AND header

Description: For this challenge you will be making a icon and header for either me or the guest judge (MissHS ) . The winners' graphics will be featured as our icon and header.
There will be 2 categories: The graphics made for me and the ones for the guest judge. So there will be 2x1st, 2x2nd and 2x3rd...THERE WILL BE NO HONORABLE MENTIONS.

Entry limit: 4 ( if you want to make ones for me and her)

ExpeliamusMuggle Requirements:
-The Icon and Header must have the same theme
-Anything to do with Harry Potter (characters, Hogwarts, Hedwig etc)
-My username (ExpeliamusMuggle)
-My username
-Your username (Graphics by: )

MissHS Requirements:
-The Icon and Header must have the same theme
-Something to do with a mermaid
- The name (She1998)
-Fantasy like (forest etc)
-The name (She1998
-Your username (Graphics by: )

Due at 12:00 pm U.S. Time on 18 September 2016

1st Place:
+ Graphics placed as our icons and headers
+ Credit given to you on my board.
+Story added to my and her reading list
+ You get to decide the next Special Contest and get to judge
- A free graphic/ trailer
- A follow
- A shoutout

2nd Place:
+ Graphic being switched on our profiles(maybe)
+ Credit given on my board.
+Story added to my and her reading list
- A shoutout
- A follow

3rd Place:
- A follow
- A shoutout
- Story added to reading list

Lots of Love,
-A & Mxx🍷💐

First Graphic ContestDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora