Contest #10 (CLOSED)

319 30 32

NOTE: There will be sashes handed out to the person that has won first place, 3 times and also one for the person that enters the most in this contest series!


Graphic Type: Moodboard/Picspam

Description: This challenge is all about you, yes YOU! You will be making a moodboard/picspam that tell us more about you. It can have your favorite things/people, your personality etc. You can use just pictures or words or both or whatever describes you!
You can also write a little about yourself somewhere where you posted your entry, that i will add.

Title(optional): Your name

- Your username
- My username (optional)
- Correct graphic type
- Things to describe you!

Due date on 23 October 2016 at 12:00pm U.S. Time


^I love watching series on my laptop, favorite animal is a wolf, love Cara Delevingne, favorite dessert is ice cream, hobby is reading and forever part of the Harry Potter fandom

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I love watching series on my laptop, favorite animal is a wolf, love Cara Delevingne, favorite dessert is ice cream, hobby is reading and forever part of the Harry Potter fandom.

^I love watching series on my laptop, favorite animal is a wolf, love Cara Delevingne, favorite dessert is ice cream, hobby is reading and forever part of the Harry Potter fandom

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1st Place:
- A free graphic/ trailer
- A follow
- A shoutout
- Two books added to reading list

2nd Place:
- A free graphic /trailer
- A follow
- A shoutout
- Story added to reading list

3rd Place:
- A follow
- A shoutout
- Story added to reading list

Honorable Mentions:
- A shoutout


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