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A saddened Kirito lay waste on the sofa, clutching the note left my his darling wife. Tears streamed down his face as he studied the exclamation given. 'My darling Kirito, I'm sorry to leave you at this time but I have no choice. The truth is that I must battle to escape this virtual world or suffer he consequences of the release of my pregnancy. I went alone as I refused to let any further damage come to you or be responsible for any reckless actions that could do the same. It's up to you to secure the safety of our children and if we escape, protect our child; Aimi is real and I cannot deprive her of the natural day any longer. Once I escape, I will look cherish her and hopefully you decide the same. I may only be 16 but this does not stop me caring for the child I wished for. Yui will find her home and hopefully that will be with us, I care about you too much to lose you, here or in reality. Until we meet again. Lots of love, Asuna.' Seeing her signature imprinted on the paper only aggravated the situation and made him grieve further. "I'm bringing her back," he sobbed "if I can't do that...I'm going with her!" Weeping, Yui emerged from around the corner, holding Aimi's hand, she whimpered softly "has mummy left us?" Full of fear and guilt, Kirito reassured her "no mummy will come back. In fact why don't we go see her now, I know where she is."

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