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He was everywhere. He was always there, behind the trees, a house, a parked car, a lamppost, he was watching me. I was a bit scared to see him everywhere like that. One day, Nikki asked me what was wrong and I told her that everything was fine. In fact, I was afraid to tell to my friends what I was seeing, I was afraid that they think I was crazy and they don't want to be my friends anymore. I thought about it for days. While Nikki and Peter were coming to watch a movie at my house, I decided to tell them why I was strange sometimes. Nikki didn't say anything and took it well, she also knew the Slenderman, she already played to the game and surely thought it was just one of my little phases. Peter, who had already seen some pictures of Slenderman too, told me that it was only my imagination and that I probably confused him with a tree.

I saw that Peter couldn't help me with that, so I stayed with the idea that Nikki might be able to help me understand why this monster was doing this with me. At the end of the evening, Peter returned to his house because my parents didn't want boys to sleep at home so I stayed with Nikki. My parents usually went to bed early so we had the house all to ourselves, but we decided to stay in my room. We didn't have much to do and we were bored. I fell asleep before Nikki who didn't take a long time to follow me. I've always been a light sleeper ... especially when Slenderman was close .. In the middle of the night, something knocked on my window. I opened my eyes and stared at the wall in front of me for a moment. I knew he was there, that he was the one doing that. I wasn't afraid for myself, but for Nikki. I was afraid that he does something to her. Nikki didn't wake up and was sleeping deep on a matela next to my bed. I turned towards her quietly and looked at her a short moment before getting up. I passed over her and jumped on front of my window. He was there, and he stared at me without moving. I was starin at him too and for once I was not afraid but .. I had a strange feeling running through my body. It was as if I wasn't myself anymore.

After a good minute Slender disappeared, but the feeling wasn't gone. I looked at my sleeping friend and stared at her. In my head, I heard a little voice saying to me: Kill her, kill her, kill her! And as I always listened to my instinct, so I left my room to go in the kitchen and took a knife before returning in my bedroom. I stopped in the doorway, knife in hand and I walked slowly towards her. When I arrived by her side, I raised the knife high in the air. I had the burning desire to put it directly in her chest but at the same time, the strange feeling went away... I slowly lowered the knife while looking at it and I looked at Nikki, still asleep. I had no mercy for her anymore or wasn't realizing the horrible thing I was doing, but I thought I could kill her later. Do you think that because I saw Slendy I immediately became a psychopath who wants to kill everyone? No, you are wrong. I always had murderous thoughts, the world was driving me crazy and Slender made the situation worse. Teenage is the moment in life when we realizes that everything we was believing in and was seeing were nothing more than lies and pure shit. I've understood it fast, why being a good little robot at the service of the world while we can have fun in our own way? Mine, I knew it, was killing, whatever would happen to me after. I had a desire to let out all this rage but for now I had to wait. So I opened one of the drawers on my bedside table, slid the knife inside and went back to bed.

The Follower : Origins [ English Version ]Where stories live. Discover now