Rose of Dark Fate (Shu Sakamaki Lemon)

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When Shu woke up, the house was dark. He sat up slowly and as he stretched he tried to listen for Hana. It had been three weeks since he was ordered to bring her here..just when was he able to go home? As time passed it was fun to tease the woman he guarded but, the area made his senses fuzzy. The salty air was a nice change, the ocean sounds made for excellent music when he didn't listen to his ipod.

He sighed as he stood up from the couch and walked into the bedroom, his pajama bottoms riding low on his hips. Everything was off, even the TV that she watched all the time. He went to the kitchen next, still no Hana. After he had explored the house he came to the conclusion that she was probably out bar hopping again without his permission...such a troublesome woman. Just before he went back into the bedroom, he heard a muted splash. He pushed open the porch doors and walked out onto the deck. The moon over head cast a bleached out reflection of the world. The sand looked white and the ocean looked black. He leaned forward on his elbows, watching as the tide pushed and pulled the waves. The sea air was cooling his heated body.

When another splash sounded he looked to see Hana, waist deep in the water. She had insisted to stay way from the water but here she was, taking a midnight swim. He watched her with the same stoic expression he always wore as she swam around more. He wondered what the water must feel like tonight. It had been a really hot day and it had zapped all his energy. He couldn't so much as get dressed today so he slept. They had already had the wars of her trying to dress him but each time she would give up and storm off with a red face. He called her names and teased her after a night of her walking in on him naked. Things had been mildly interesting. When she had first come to live with them it had been a nightmare. She still had to preform at the club and go to school with them but she made it much that he kept his distance. Hana's temper was worse than a vampires...she was lethal when provoked. Every once in a while she would come find him just for the silence. She'd skip class and go to the music room and ask him to play the piano until he accepted. With time she mellowed out but he knew what kept her on edge.. life before was nothing but her own personal hell. Fear was her constant companion, loneliness made her seek a way to express herself and when she did she melted back into a shy girl. She hated rejection, loathed her very self for not being stronger and wondering why she had no parents. When it came down to it she had all this freedom. He envied that but he knew how it was to lose everything. He still had a prolonging fear himself from past experience..

Just as he was about to leave, Hana started to walk out of the water. He was going to leave her alone but now he could see that she had been swimming naked. He raised his eyebrow and grinned slightly. The moonlight washed out her color as well, making her a piece of art smudged in black and white. Her long hair went all the way to her hips, her curves were perfectly defined by the shadows around her, and her eyes cast the only color, a perfect blend of ice and snow. He quickly melted back into the shadows to watch her as she came across the sand and up the porch stairs. Water still ran off her in rivulets and sand covered her feet. She paused to look up at the moon and then she walked over to the outdoor shower to spray the sand off. His expression died down as he watched her. He couldn't help but stare as her hands went from her feet, up to her chest. For a young high schooler, she had the body of a woman.

Her palms slid down her sides and reached around to her lower back. What a lewd woman, to go swimming at night in the ocean and then shower out in the open. Alone, as any normal person, she had no shame, but he wanted her to have no shame with him. He had always liked her body. Her beauty was something all vampires were in love with but before they had come here, when she had come to him, she brought him interest. He had lost interest in everything centuries ago but slowly...Hana brought herself to his attention. Annoying, persistent, and aggravating was what she was at first but then he didn't mind her. She would nag him to go to school and half drag him to the car. When she wanted to learn about playing music she bugged him cutely until he agreed and although he acted like it annoyed him, it pleased him. Hana's gentle side invoked his curiosity and then she consumed him. Heat was flooding through him as he watched her and he wasn't sure what to do. He had never felt such desire before..

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