Melanin in a milk water bath

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Melanin in a milk water bath
Society's millennia is on a sinking drought
Reinvented blood baths boiling in a black mind
Refrigerating emotions in a cold blue outfit
Serenading army of white cries the world has to deal with
Black cries turned into wine for suckling pigs of white supremacists

You heard they have a impounding idea that humanity is all taken care of
A whole lot of misconceptions blinded by the government and censored by the media
Crackling noise from the army of followers on social media in panic that they might shut our ideas off

Humanity insignificance in perpetrated black power
Acting like we magicians of our own race
Turning ourselves into hating ourselves
Laughing at our burdens and the truths we have to bury
Suckling on the dick of the "threatening" race

Black on black war is a shimmering sorrow
When you going to learn that's their way of distracting us
Cameras, journalists, lawyers are making us society's puppy
Where the many white painted insecure men feeding off from
Light night diamonds sitting on the silver screen

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