Shot #4

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(he confesses his love for you)

I sipped out of my beer can and took lots of pictures with my friends. "Hey, can I get a picture with you?" Ethan stumbled over to me. He wants a picture with me? "Yeah, sure," I smiled, gripping my beer can tightly. He put his arm around me and smiled in front of his phone. I smiled and leaned onto his shoulder. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" He said with a smile. He had on Raybans and a red SnapBack, along with a Miami Heat jersey, and jeans. I was wearing a Nike hat, and shirt, with a black vest on over. I had black yoga pants and Nike sneakers. "Yeah, why not," I smiled and followed him. My crush wanted to talk to me, in private. Was he gonna say "stop thinking about me" "you're never gonna get me"? He led me to the deck of his frat house. The more steps I took, the more nervous I got. "What's up?" I asked shakily as I leaned against the railing as I took a sip of beer. "I like you," he said, while playing with his glasses in his hands, looking back up to me.
I opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it. "Actually, I'm in love with you, and I know you love me too. But we both know we can't be together, you have a boyfriend, I have something with another girl, and I was hoping we could both move on," he sadly looked into my eyes. "Are you kidding me?" I stood straight. He was almost a head taller than me and he kind of intimidated me. "What?" He said, a frown on his face. "You just want me to move on? Ethan, everything I do- you're there. Everywhere I go, there's something to remind me of you. When I'm playing basketball, I'm thinking, 'maybe Ethan will see me playing' or if I'm in a store and I see a skateboard, I think 'Ethan messes around on skateboard a lot, I remember when I watched him and his brother'. If I'm driving home and I see a car like yours, I think 'he has that same car, I wonder what it would be like to go midnight diving with him.' You see I can't just move on, I can't move on from you because I think of you from the moment my alarm wakes me up to the moment my head hits the pillow. When I'm kissing my boyfriend, I'm thinking about how you would kiss me better. When I'm crying, and he comforts me, I think that you would make me stop crying faster. You see what I mean? I can't just drop you out of my life. You are stuck in my brain, and I cannot push you out. You can push me out of your brain, but I can't push you out of mine," I sighed as I leaned back on the railing again. I sat my beer can on the railing and held my hands to my face. I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up and saw it was Ethan. I wrapped my arms around him and hoped to god this wasn't a sick joke. "Maybe we can't move on then," he just said. "Are you gonna remember any of this tomorrow or have you had a little too many beers, cause I really don't wanna say that again," I sighed into his chest. "Ill always remember that. And for what it's worth, I feel the same way, but what are we gonna do about our current relationships?" He asked. "I'll move on from mine if you move on from yours," i smiled. He smiled back and nodded before kissing me softly. I pulled back and smiled, "damn, I was right, that is better than Dylan's," he smiled big and laughed. I admired the way his  caramel eyes sparkled and his dimples carved in both of his cheeks.
God, I knew this was going to be amazing. I won't ever regret this.

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