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A/N Okay, I know putting author's notes at the beginning sucks, but hear me out. I, in no way, think that this is my best writing. You guys will probably like it, but I cringe when I read it sometimes. So feedback and constructive criticism is wanted! I'm not going to get upset, so lay it on me. Anyway, sorry about the wait, but I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'll let you know when the next is coming!

Age 6:

"Mum, where are we going?" I asked, sitting in the back seat of our car, my daddy driving. I looked out the window, watching all the trees and houses pass as we drove down our street. There were maple trees, and pine trees, and blue houses and red houses. We sure lived on a pretty street. I looked back to my parents as my daddy cleared his throat while mummy laughed a little.

"Erm, well, it's a surprise." He said, looking at me through the mirror above his head. I hate surprises. I want to know what's happening!

"Does it have to be?" I whined, pouting. I should know where we're going, it's only fair.

"Yep." Mummy cheerfully quipped, turning around and smiling at me. Stupid parents, never telling me where we're going.

We were just about to turn of the main road when we slammed into something. Then everything was dark, and my whole body hurt.

All there was was the darkness, and the heat, like something was on fire. I heard people talking, but I couldn't understand them; everything hurt too much. My forehead hurt, like something smacked me, and my belly hurt, like I had a tummy ache, and my chest hurt, like I slammed my front into something. Basically, everything hurt.

At one point, I could open my eyes. Everything was so bright, I could barely see. After blinking a few times, I could see again. But I wish I couldn't. There was a little fire around me, and we were still in the car. Daddy was bent over, not moving. Mummy wasn't moving either. Another car had slammed into Daddy's side of the car, hurting us. I wish it didn't happen. I wish it had been a dream.

I looked to my side, and saw a man there. He was slender and tall, white white-blond hair and dangerous green eyes. He smiled, and I saw two pointy teeth at each side of his mouth. Why is he wearing plastic Halloween teeth?

Hello, Phillip.

What was that? He just talked, but his mouth didn't move.

I can speak through my mind, Phillip. Now, I have a question for you.

What is it?

Would you rather your mother and you become vampires, or all three of you die?

What about daddy?

He cannot be saved. Now choose: live as a vampire, or die.

Um, I guess I'll be a vemanpire with mummy, then.

It's vampire, but I guess that'll do.

Then the scary man snapped his fingers.

I woke up in a funny smelling room with my mummy asleep in the bed next to mine.

"Mummy?" I whispered to her, hoping she would hear me and wake up. She stirred, rolling over and groaning.

"Go back to sleep, Philly." She mumbled, groaning again. I got out of the bed with some difficulty, and stumbled over to her bed. I guess I hadn't used my legs in awhile if they were this wobbly.

I shook mummy's shoulder, calling her name again. "Mummy, mum, wake up. I don't know where we are!" She finally sighed, rolled over and looked at me with hard eyes that softened when they saw my expression.

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