Chapter 1

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Dan's P.O.V.

First day of the new semester. Joy.

I'm not sure what classes I'll have, I've forgotten which ones I picked. Oh, right. I got my schedule yesterday; it was attached to my report card. Let's see. Hmm, Math, Science, Art and Film. Okay, easy semester. Last semester. Great.

It seems as if I have Art first, so that's cool. I wonder what it's gonna be like. We have the best art teacher; his name is Mr. Y. Nobody knows what it stands for. Anything and everything with his name on it has the rest blacked out. I think it makes him interesting, whereas others think it makes him weird.

It's 7:30, and PJ's friend Calla has choir today so he's most likely with her. That sounds pretty appealing. If I get ready quick, I can probably sneak in without the teacher noticing.

I get dressed quickly and grab my bag before I head out. Walking to the school, I hear a car behind me come closer and then pass me. Looking up, I see a guy in the car turned around and looking at me. Hmm, he's cute. Black hair, but too far away to make out anything else. Okay, better keep walking.

Soon enough I'm at school and walking to the music room. I can hear them warming up and it's beautiful. The girls are able to go so high and the boys so low, it's amazing. I play the piano and sing along sometimes, but I'd never do it in front of someone. Okay, I'm inside and I see Peej. He's behind the risers that the choir kids are standing on. I sit down next to him and he stops playing on his phone long enough to give me a gruff greeting. We're behind the soprano section, and Calla stands in the back, so all I can hear is her.

Calla is a pretty nice person. She went through a lot of shit and if I wasn't a flaming homosexual I'd probably be attracted to her. She can sing better than pretty much everybody in the choir but won't say it, and she's incredibly strong. You can also trust her with anything. I want to be better friends with her. Maybe I should do that this semester, before I graduate.

The choir teacher stops their warm up and announces that the solo auditions are today. Peej has been telling me how much Calla wants the solo but she's so scared that people won't like her voice. I think she'll be fine. I hear movement behind me and turn around, looking up. She's standing, Calla is standing. She's going to audition.

She ends her solo with a graceful bow and sits back down, shaking. After this I am so telling her how great she did.

*******le time skip to after choir********


Okay yes I know that this is a lot about Calla and Peej but mostly Calla also in author's notes grammar flies out the window but anyways she's really important for the plot and you'll see in later chapters also I wanted to be in the book somewhat I know I'm selfish okay back to the chapter

End of A/N

It turns out Calla is in art with me so we abandon PJ at his Drama class and walk together down the hall, talking aimlessly.

"Calla, you know, you rocked that audition," I say and she snorts, shaking her head. "No, really. You were so good."

"Dan, I appreciate it but I'm honestly not that good. I go flat and I think most people in choir hate me. It sucks being alone in a such a big group." Now I honestly feel like she's assuming things. As well as doubting herself. She's going to make it big out there. She's gotten so many offers from amazing music schools and quite frankly it would be an honour to sing with her. Maybe I should join choir.

"Calla, I think we're gonna become fast friends."

"Fat friends? Really? You know how much I got bullied for being overweight, right? Honestly, I know I'm heavy but-"

"Jesus, I said 'fast', oh my lord," I'm laughing at this point. "Girl, get your ears fixed." And now she's laughing so hard she can't breathe and we're outside Mr. Y's room looking insane. I like this girl.

Once we finally calmed down, we walked in and found our pre-assigned seats, courtesy of Mr. Y. Calla sits at the table beside mine with some guy she's already all over. Apparently I sit with someone named Phil. I wonder if he's nice.

After the second bell rings, there's still no sign of "Phil" and Mr. Y explains that it's his first day so he might be a little late. He starts us off on playing a "get to know your desk-mate" game and tells me to read a book or something while I wait for Phil.

Ten minutes pass, and I'm playing Neko Atsume on my phone. I love cats so much. They're so cute. I'm going to get a female cat and name her Nebula, and get a male cat and name him Marshmallow. Marshmallow, as I have decided, will be a siamese, and Nebula will be a tabby. I've always had a soft spot for tabbies. They're so cute, like with their big eyes and fluffy tails and-

"Hey, I'm Phil." I'm startled out my Neko Atsume induced stupor to find a guy sitting next to me. I look up at him, and stop breathing for a second.

His eyes are a piercing blue that make my heart skip a beat, and I feel something inside me start to surface, big and powerful and coming from somewhere deep inside. Feelings scare me.

Now I realize I've been staring at him for a while now so I quickly blurt out something almost incoherent.

"Um, I'm, ah, I'm Dan." Jesus Christ, that was rough. Well, now I've made a fool of myself. This friendship is now completely screwed.

He smiled, giving me a swooping feeling in my stomach. WTF is happening to me? "So, I hear you're supposed to be my guide for most of my classes," he says, scooting closer to me in his chair. Oh god no, if I can't even speak with him around, how am I supposed to 'guide' him?

"Um, I guess I am. Well, um, this is an art class, and that's Mr. Y," I told him, looking down at my legs out of nerves. If I can't even look him in the eye, I don't know what I'm going to do.

"Do you always punctuate your sentences with 'um'? I think it's adorable," he said, lifting my chin with a single finger. Shit, if someone sees us they're gonna think I'm gay. I can't have them think I'm gay. I think I know a way to fix it.

"Yeah, um, my girlfriend seems to think so too." I told him, looking into his eyes and pushing through the rush of emotions I got from the blue depth. I can do this. I'm definitely not getting a major crush on this guy.

"Girlfriend?" I nodded. "Hmm, strange. I didn't peg you as the type."

"What type?" I asked, curious as to what he meant.

"The type of guy who likes girls."


And that's Chapter 1! It's angsty as fuck and I'm swearing a lot and I know but eh. This entire week has sucked donkey dick. I moved a couple days ago, and everybody is taking their frustration out on me. But it's fine, it should stop soon.

Anyway, whaddya think of Calla?? She's based on me, a little. Okay don't judge me I wanted to be in the book. And Mr. Y, huh? Mysterious, right? He's based off my art teacher.

Also, Dan's supposed girlfriend??? Who is she?

Stay tuned for Chapter 2 and you'll find out promptly!

- Catlynn

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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