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I drove home with a head swirling full of thoughts of pure distaste. How could he simply be that blind as to what Rilee needed? No matter what I could offer our son, there would always be a need for that other person there for him. Now there was almost no hope in that ever happening for him. I pulled into the driveway with low hopes and a sad heart, and with heavy feet I went to the front door. Unlocking it I walked in and shut the door behind me before continuing on into the kitchen. I walked to the freezer and pulled out my frozen bottle of vodka, popping off the cap and taking a sip.

"Hey..." Breezy said softly padding into the kitchen rubbing the sleep from her eyes.


"I'm just going to assume by the bottle in your hand and the no sex hair that that was not good."

"It wasn't... I got mad, and he tried, but I pushed him away." I took another swig from the bottle enjoying the burn in my throat.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, he's not worth it to me anymore." I waved her away, and pushed past her, "I'm going to bed." I pressed a kiss to her forehead and trudged up the stairs, the still frozen outside of my bottle chilling my fingers. I paused at Rilee's door and pushed it open, just to make sure he was still sleeping soundly. I watched his little chest rise and fall for a few moments before drinking from the bottle and going back to my bedroom. I sat on the edge of my bed staring at the wall ahead of me contemplating the decision to go and see Brendon. I had probably just caused more heartache for myself than was necessary at all, and I hated myself for it. Taking another sip of the vodka, I rested my head on my pillow and readied myself for yet another long night.

"Wake up daddy!" Rilee yelled jumping up on my bed. I opened my eyes ignoring the pins in the back of my skull. He peppered my face with little baby kisses and sat on my stomach.

"Hey Riles, how are you this morning?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up ruffling up his hair a bit.

"Good, but there's someone here to see you." He smirked and got a little closer, whispering in my ear, "he has flowers..."

"Ooh flowers, but what did we talk about?" He tugged at my head and lead me out of my bedroom, the both of us clad in only our pajamas.

"Not answering the door," he looked down at his bare feet before looking up at me again.

"Good, what else?"

"Don't talk to strangers..." He said as we made our way down the stairs, and I stooped down so that our eyes were level to each other.

"Perfect, so next time we don't answer the door we go and get daddy okay?"

"But daddy-"

"No buts Rilee. You have to be careful."

"But it's papa daddy..." He said it so innocently I couldn't believe it, but when I turned around he sure as hell was there standing in the foyer with a bouquet of windflowers in his hands. My heart stopped, and I turned to Rilee slowly.

"Why don't you go get dressed buddy and we'll go to the park, okay?" He ran up the stairs leaving me alone to face Brendon. "What do you want?" I asked him sharply.

"You told me to come back when I was ready to be a father."

"So you show up the day after the conversation?"

"It wasn't much of a conversation if you ask me..."

"I didn't."

"Jesus Christ Dallon! Will you stop for a second and let me talk?!" He raised his voice, and I shut up. "Thank you...I thought about it, and I want to be in his life."

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