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~you made grief my chief emotion~

Her makeup was good, but her smile was even better. Her outfit was perfect, making Angela seem like a happy, worry free individual. Of course she was anything but that. Every time Jasper stepped towards her she flinched. Every time he spoke she prayed he wouldn't start yelling. She was at a constant state of fear; fear of failure and fear of disappointment.

Walking into work she hope they were a convincing couple. Jasper was getting angrier everyday, and the bruises were becoming harder to cover up. He had a major sale to make today, and Angela knew it was the deciding factor of how her night would go. She had never wanted a deal to go through so bad. Sadly, she knew the deal would probably never go through. Ever since Jasper had taken over, the company had taken a drastic hit.

"I don't want you in this meeting Angela," Jasper told her, stopping Angela at the door. "I need this company, and if you're there I won't get it." He was blunt, never trying to comfort her. In her head Angela knew that was nonsense. Her presence in the room had nothing to do with Jasper making the sale. However in her heart, she believed him. She believed that she was the cause of his despair, and that most things were her fault. So she nodded silently and walked behind him into the office. Nothing was ever that simple though, especially when unwanted family shows up in your office.

"Jasper!" Angela stood shocked to see the one and only Cassidy standing brightly in the darken room. She braved a look at Jasper and wasn't surprised to see the scowl etched onto his face.

"Why are you in my office Cassidy?" He hissed through clenched teeth.

"Well funny story actually," Jasper snorted, but Cassidy decided to ignored him and continue . "I was in town, when a little birdie informed me of your company's failure." He smiled, seeming to take join in Jasper's discomfort. "So since you are family and all, I've decided to offer my successful company's help." The silence in the room was thick. Angela felt like a third wheel in the argument. She could feel Jasper's anger radiating off him in waves. She was scared. She knew her night would not be a painless one.

"You help is not needed." Jasper's reply was short but obviously forced.

"On the contrary, I believe you quite need my help."

"I said I didn't need it!" Jasper yelled, causing Angela to visibly flinch. Cassidy's eyes snapped to hers, notifying her he was aware of the movement. His eyebrows creased as if it bothered him. Angela's heart was pounding. Cassidy had noticed, she had slipped. Once again she had screwed up.

"Alright, calm down Jasper. I know it's been a tough time lately. I don't want it to become worse with you losing the company, so suck it up and let me help you." Cassidy tried to calm Jasper down, visibly disturbed by his burst of anger.

"When I become a desperate man and the thought of your help crosses my mind, I will still never come to you. Now, I said I don't need your help, so get out of office." Angela watched in amazement as Cassidy nodded accepting defeat.

"I don't agree with you, but some part of me understands. Just let me leave my number in case you ever change you mind," Cassidy wasn't looking at Jasper when he said this however he was looking straight at Angela. "You never know when things may change, and you could need help," His eyes snapped back to Jasper's. Jasper nodded, causing Cassidy to write down his number and hand it to Jasper. Then with a frown he proceed to leave the office, giving Angela once last glance before her left.

The click of the door brought Angela back to reality. She watched as Jasper crumpled Cassidy's number and threw it away.

"I won't ever be needing this. Will I Angela?"

"No." she whispered hoping he would leave her alone.

"I'm  going to my meeting now. Stay here and wait for me. Okay?"

"Okay." She nodded. She breath a sigh of relief as she watched Jasper disappear behind the door. She stood stood for a few seconds.

"You never know when things may change, and you could need help."

Angela quickly ran to the trash can, and grabbed Cassidy's number. She threw it in her pocket, and breath another sigh of of relief. Now see had a defense, and she had never felt so guilty for defending herself before.

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