Chapter Two

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Samantha felt her heart practically pounding out of her chest as the limo she was seated in neared their destination. She closed her eyes with a heavy sigh and racked her fingers through her hair from both nervousness as well as irritation. She could not believe that Vicky and Alyssa had entered her into a contest to meet Michael Jackson and not only that, she had won! It's not that she didn't want to meet Michael but she certainly wasn't the kind of fan who felt the need to invade his personal space, especially his home. She looked down at the pad of paper in her lap as her other hand fiddled with her pen. She still had homework to get finished and didn't know what to expect from this night so she had figured she could get some work done on the drive to Michael's home he called Neverland. She did always wonder why he had named his home after a fictional Disney world with mermaids, sword fights, pirates, and the promise to never grow up. She glanced over at Vicky who was busy looking through all of the little side compartments around the seats, trying to find something interesting or pressing every button she saw like she was five years old.

"Vicky, you're twenty-one years old. Could you act like it please?" Samantha whispered harshly as she pulled her friend to sit back in her seat.

"Listen, when is the next time we're gonna be in a limo?" Vicky laughed before resigning herself to sitting back against the seat. "Why the hell did you bring a notebook with you anyway? This is not the time to worry about school and classes and crap."

"It was a two-hour drive between Los Angeles and Los Olivos. I figured I could get something done," Samantha muttered.

Vicky leaned over and glanced over at the blank paper.

"Looks like you got a lot done," She laughed, her sarcasm making Samantha's nerves twitch. She was about to respond but her words never came as she gazed out the window.

Her eyes widened when she saw two hefty wooden gates up ahead. The gates opened and the limo proceeded forward but it only took a few moments longer before another set of large golden gates came into view with the word "Neverland" written across the top in sparkling golden letters. Samantha fought back the tears that threatened to well in her eyes. She didn't want to embarrass herself and have Michael Jackson thinking she was a crazed lunatic. He had plenty of those fans already. She had never been one to cry over a celebrity before but this was different. This was a man who came from nothing and now lived in a home large enough that he could give it its own name. The limo continued on as it came to the curve of the roundabout driveway. Samantha looked out the window in complete awe as she gazed out at the lavish cobblestone walkway and the colorful flower beds that covered various areas of the front lawn.

"Now remember what I said. Do not talk about any of your tabloids that you're in love with, don't ask him embarrassing questions, don't be know what? Why don't you just try and talk as least as possible," Samantha suggested once the driver exited the vehicle.

"Whatever you say, Sam. Why don't you try and remember who got you here in the first place and no, I ain't referring to the driver," Vicky laughed haughtily before rolling her eyes.

Even through her irritation, Samantha had to admit that Vicky was right. She would not be only minutes away from meeting her idol if her and Alyssa hadn't entered her into the contest but she certainly wished that Vicky hadn't remembered the time she covered Samantha's portion of the rent a few months back when Samantha had to attend her grandmother's funeral in Indiana. She made a mental note never to borrow money or let others do you favors again. She had never expected Vicky to blackmail her into picking her as the "guest" she was able to bring with her to meet Michael.

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