Chapter 2- The Breakfast

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Martha woke-up to the mouth-watering smell of fried bacon, making her eyes snap open.

"It wasn't a dream?!" she thought to herself, smiling.

She quickly swung her feet to the side of the bed and went to her bathroom to freshen up herself. After that, she went to her mirror and grabbed her hairbrush, running it through her long, curly, brown hair.

She smiled at her reflection on the mirror and satisfied, she went downstairs, still in her pyjamas, to see Matt in her kitchen. She failed to hold her laugh as she saw Matt in her girly-blue apron while holding a spatula, making Matt notice her presence.

"What? I look fancy in these" Matt joked as he placed a hand on his waist and returned his attention back on the fried bacons, making Martha laugh harder.

"Coffee or hot chocolate?" She asked between laughs

"Hot chocolate and stop laughing"

She just simply shook her head, giggling as she made her way to the cabinet to prepare their drinks.

After everything was settled, they finally began to eat their breakfast that was mostly made by Matt.

"Hmmm... you know, it's really strange how you can just simply let a lost stranger stay here in your flat for a night" Matt started.

"Stranger? Well, I'm sorry but I don't consider someone who plays my favorite character in my all-time favorite series as a stranger"


"Valid for me. I mean, duh, you're freakin' Matt Smith! Even I can't believe I'm having breakfast with you right now!"

Matt laughed at Martha's reason, making Martha feel proud of it.

"Anyways, I want to know you better"

"Well, ugh, okay. I'm Martha Alexandra Starkey. I originally live in Liverpool and just moved here. What else hmmm... oh and yeah I like pies and tacos. I study at the University of Saint Martin blah blah blah"

"Wow. You study at a well-known school eh. Welp, my turn. Hi my name is Matthew-"

Martha shut Matt's mouth quickly, making him freeze.

"Sorry for being rude and sorry for creeping you out but, I already know everything about you. Well not literally everything, just from your bios and stuffs"

"Oh. Well then. Hey, how about I take you out today? Let's hang out together and let’s do what friends do! Let’s eat ice cream, pies, annoy people…"

"Wow you really are just like the Doctor"

Matt picked up the fez from the dining chair beside him and wore it

"Do I?"

"MY FEZ! How did you-"

"I saw it last night, before I sleep. So what do you say?" Matt smiled, expecting her to say yes

"Oh...I would love to. Really" She replied, making Matt's smile turn into a frown.

"Awww I'm terribly sorry Matt. It's just that I have to attend my classes later. I promise, we can hang-out on saturdays"

"Oh I understand. Well, I have to run now. We'll see each other again soon"

They both got up from their chairs and exchanged numbers before Matt gave Martha a friendly goodbye kiss on the cheek. She noticed Matt was still wearing her fez as he left, making her laugh at the thought of a timelord just became a new friend of hers.

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