Chapter Twelve

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The next morning Amelia awoke to unfamiliar surroundings. Raising her head slightly, she took in the sight of the hotel suite. The memories of the previous day, of being swept away to Amsterdam by Luca, came flooding back.

She looked down her body. A strong, hard arm was wrapped around her waist, trapping her against an equally hard body behind her. She smiled into her pillow. Last night had been the most amazing yet. The way Luca had loved her had left her so exhausted she had not noticed when he had pulled the covers over their tired bodies.

Amelia snuggled closer to Luca's body and placed her hand over his on her hip. Who would have believed that the woman who had fled to London with a hurting heart, one she was sure was irreperably broken, would three years later be lying so wonderfully satiated in bed with a man she loved?

She paused in her thoughts. Love? Was she really in love with Luca? Could it even be possible? She had only known him a month. There was still so much to discover about him, his life, his family.

Luca shifted in his sleep, his arm tightening around her. Amelia turned around and studied his face. In sleep he looked more relaxed than she had ever seen him. The watchful look he normally had, one that made it seem as if he saw everything that happened and noted it, was no longer there.

Amelia smiled again and traced a finger down the side of his face. His stubble rasped against her finger as she moved it over his jaw and she felt her muscles clench as she remembered where else his stubble had rasped during the night. She had never like facial hair on a man until now.

Her finger moved across and traced the outline of his lips. She gasped as Luca's hand suddenly shot up and grabbed her own, holding it still as he began to place little bites all along it. All thoughts of emotions immediately left her head at the heat of his mouth.

"I assume you're awake now," she whispered.

"Mmmmmmm," Luca replied, not opening his eyes or stopping what he was doing with his mouth. He changed their positions without warning, moving until he was lying over her with their legs intertwined. Against her thigh, she could feel just how excited he was.

"And I can see that all of you is awake now," she arched her back slightly and they both moaned quietly at the increased pressure.

"Mmmmmmm," Luca said again. He released her finger and began making the same little bites along the side of her neck and down to her breasts. There, he nipped all over the flesh but avoided her aching nipples.

Amelia twisted her hands in his hair and tried to force him where she wanted his attention most. She almost screamed when he finally took one of the sensitive buds in his mouth and sucked. Hard. Her pelvis bucked as he switched to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment.

"I love your breasts," he murmered against her skin as he continued on his path downwards. "They're so soft, so sweet. But not as sweet as this." Luca kissed the top of her curls before separating her lower lips with his fingers. 

He went to work with his mouth, teeth and tounge. Amelia's pelvis bucked again as he ran his tongue over her clitoris. He hooked his hands over her hips to hold her still as he took the nub gently between the teeth and began to alternate between sucking  and flicking his tongue.

He let her clitoris go and moved his mouth lower, still sucking and nibbling. When he reached his destination, he pressed his mouth mouth up hard against her. 

Amelia writhed on the bed as the feeling of pleasure began to overcome her. That had never felt that good before.

Luca began to move between the two areas and Amelia couldn't help herself, shifing desparately on the bed. The pleasure built and built until she screamed out his name as she climaxed against his mouth.

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