Flashback: Age 10

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Flashback ( Mer and Blake age 10)

Mer's POV

Blake and I had gone on our "top secret" expedition. Well that's what Blake liked to call it but literally everyone knew that we went to the lake every Friday. It was pretty much  tradition now  and Blake had given me quite a  convincing lecture, stating  that if we didn't go there as scheduled, I would be cursed by the lake gods and wouldn't fall in love. And obviously the idea of not finding my prince charming and a happy fairytale ending frightened me to the point where I just gave in.

Blake had prepared a mini picnic. We lay down on the grass and just looked into space. It wasn't until Blake started blabbering about some butterfly nonsense. The boy had been crazy about butterflies since I could remember. He had many books about different types of them. I looked at him as he carried on. I loved the way his eyes lit up when he talked about this nonsense. He was so passionate about them that it always brought a smile to my face. I would occasionally nod in agreement just to make sure he believed that I was well invested in his nonsense.

"Butterfly" he said as he looked at me concerned. I loved when he called me butterfly. I guess I hadn't realized that I  had fallen asleep. It was getting pretty dark and I knew my mother wouldn't be pleased with me for staying out this late but Blake insisted that we wait for a while. If we keep quiet we'll be able to see them. This was followed by an hour long of silence with me curling into a ball and constantly shivering. Blake seemed so focused looking at the sky. I was getting quite impatient and rather angry at Blake for not carrying adequate supplies if he knew that we would spend more time than we intended to.

And that's when they came out. A million fireflies flooded the dark sky all at once. A million lights flickered in the dark as the fireflies continued to move rapidly. It was so beautiful. I didn't realize my mouth was still open and Blake being the smartass that he was felt obliged to say  " I told you it was worth the wait". I shrugged off this remark. Blake had always acted like the smart know-it-all and our relationship was basically based on out-smarting each other. I never got tired of one upping him. I folded my arms showing that I was quite annoyed. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"You know you look cute when you're angry" Blake said as he tried to lighten up the mood but I simply wasn't having it. He looked at me smiling and I smiled back at him giving him a slight nudge. I loved moments like this with him. They reminded me how special his friendship was to me and how I loved being around him. I never got tired of  being around him and I'm pretty sure he never got tired of me either because well my weird bestfriend didn't have many friends. If only he didn't talk about his butterfly nonsense , he probably wouldn't have scared them off. We stayed for a while talking about nothing and everything. We decided to get head back after realizing that if we had stayed longer,our parents would have grounded us till we were probably 20. 

" WISH ME LUCK," I shouted as I prepared to face my parents. It was already 12:23am. Blake shouted back and not long after he was gone. He probably snuck into his room without his parents finding out. I got grounded for three weeks and Blake was surprisingly left alone. I guess his little stunt had worked. However he always made sure that I was well informed about what was going on in my absence. He had even appointed himself as my official informant so I was pretty much set for those three weeks.

Hey guys. So i finally updated BECAUSE school is over!! I decided to write a flashback to show you what the typical Blake and Mer relationship was like. Aren't they so adorable. I will be giving frequent flashbacks so don't be confused I will state that at the beginning of the chapter. Please vote for my story :((

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