Chapter 1

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My hands are above my head tied by my wrists. Each wrist is tied to a corner of the bed. Same with my ankles, tied to the end two corners of the bed. I feel the strong heavy duty rope cutting off my circulation. I fidget around the bed feeling completely helpless, as if I'll magically break free if I move the correct way. Giving up I let out a sigh and stare up at the ceiling wondering how I got into the mess.


"Don't forget breakfast!", my mom yells as I'm running down the stairs. I forget to set my alarm clock, again. Meaning that I missed the bus and now have to run to school. My mom knew I was in a rush by my choice of apparel, neon pink and white running shoes with last night's dark blue sweatpants and black cami with my natural DD breasts popping out. Also the popular hairstyle of bed head thrown up into a bun on the top of my dark brunette head.

My mom takes one look at my outfit and frowns and shakes her head. " You're not wearing that". I look at my mom's outfit and she's wearing a full olive pant suit, with a yellow blouse underneath her buttoned up olive jacket. Her light brown hair also in a bun, but not like mine. Her hair is in a very tight bun that's completely circular on the back of her head towards her neck. There wasn't a hair out of place. My mom isn't completely modest, she actually used to have an amazing sense of style, until President Damien's, "Laws for the Women".

My mom goes on the same rant she goes on every morning, "You can't dress like that anymore Hailey. You're going to get taken!" I just roll my eyes, grab my baby blue backpack and put it over my shoulder and say, "You're over reacting again mom, I'm just going to School I will be fine!"


Just if I listened to my mom that morning I wouldn't be here right now. I guess I just always liked to be a trouble maker, I never had a thing for rules. I never liked someone telling me what to do. Still don't actually. Which is actually why I'm tied up to this particular bed, completely naked. I have gone through eight masters in the last six months. I've been nicknamed "The Impossible One". As I said prior, I'm not much for being controlled and being told what to do. When each Dom realizes that, they sell me off to another. Hence why I've had so many masters. The last man I was sold to name is John. He's the one that tied me up to the bed, after sedating me of course. John's not big enough of a man to tie me up when I am awake. I smile thinking about the conversation me and him had earlier this morning;

John creeks the door open and slowly steps in. He looks scared, scared of me. I just smile at his patheticness. I'm tied up to a wooden chair and I still have more power over him. He stands in front of me and I get a wiff of vodka. Every since he bought me, he started drinking again. He has a bald head, balding apparently runs in John's family according to John of course. He also has a big beer belly. I open my mouth and say "what do you want you fat bald pig?" You can see in his green eyes that I hit a nerve. But his mouth says otherwise since his chapped lips formed a smirk and said "You have no idea what you're in for." I just chuckle and say "What could you possibly do to me?". He then had the biggest and stupidest grin on his face as if he just won a lifetime supply of candy. "Not me, Dom Dominic, President Damien's brother. He heard about you and is buying you this weekend." I just chuckle and say, "am i supposed to be impressed or scared?". He smirks even more and says, "you laugh now, but you'll see. He takes in all the slaves like you that don't listen. And he breaks them. He'll probably be using you as a footstool by tomorrow!" John just keeps smiling as he walks behind me. Then I feel a sharp pain and start to feel dizzy, that's the sedating kicking in.

I smile thinking of this earlier conversation because it's funny how they have to send the president's brother to train me. Not like it is going to work though. I start to hear two sets of footsteps heading to my door. One I recognized as Johns and the other I assume was Dominic's. The door starts to creak open and first comes in John, bigger grin on his face then earlier. John combed his hair for this, and is wearing black dress pants that look like he hasn't had them fitted in about ten years, a basic button up white shirt with short sleeves, then a dark blue tie. I'm assuming that's it's a clip on because it's to perfect for him to have done it himself. "You sure you don't want anything to drink, water perhaps." John asked Dominic. I just smile to myself, amused on how much John is sucking up to him. "True Dominates don't act like submissives" said a very deep voice that belonged to Dominic. Dominic walks in the room with also black dress pants, but instead he looks like he dresses like this every day. His pants fit him perfectly, with a leather black belt around his waist. He had a baby blue dress shirt underneath his black suit jacket that was perfectly buttoned. You could tell he went to the gym frequently by how big his arms looked in his jacket. Then if you look up at his face you see his perfect bone structure, his olive skin, sparkling blue eyes, and flowy, soft black hair that you can run your hands through. I already do not like him, he looks like a complete tool.

With that comment, John's stupid fat grin immediately fades and he mumbles around an apology. This causes Dominic to sign, shake his head and let out a sigh as if John was annoying him. Dominic looks over at me and notices me with a grin. He tilts his head and squints his eyes as if he was confused, then starts to walk closer to me. "You think something is funny?" by the time he asked that he reached his destination right next to the bed looking down at me with a face that he probably thinks is intimidating. Well I don't feel intimidated and said back to him, "Yeah finally putting the pig over here in his place." I said with a smirk. He raises his eyebrows at my remark and reaches in his pocket. He takes out two little clamps, I'm not sure what they're for. He starts to reach down towards me and grabs one of my nipples and attaches one of the clamps. I bite down on my lip and grunt because of the pain. I can't focus on anything else in the room but the intense pain coming from my nipple. Then this asshole seeing I am in so much pain, puts the other clamp on my other nipple. I bite down on my lip even harder, then try to see if breathing helps with coping with the pain. Dominic starts barking at me, "You are to treat ALL Dominates with respect. Say you're sorry to John, NOW". I just smirk and say, "You and I both know he isn't a real Dominate." After I said that, he quickly grabbed one of the clamps and started squeezing hard. I couldn't hold it in, I yelped out in pain. He looks at me again in that look that he probably calls intimidating and says again, "Now". I look at Dominic and say, " If I tell this excuse of a dominate that I am sorry, will you take these off?" After I said that he started squeezing even harder and said, "I take them off when I feel you deserve to take them off, you don't bargain with me." With that I just rolled my eyes.

Last words I hear is from Dominic, "I had it from you." Then I feel the sharp pain that's all too familiar, sedation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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