Chapter Eight

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This chapter is a bit longer than what I usually write. Just a heads up!

I laid my hand over my mouth to try to contain my laughter. I've always had a very loud, ugly laugh and definitely did not want everyone in the restaurant to hear me.

We were at some fancy French place, that you had to get reservations to get into. It had these beautiful sculptures, Dutch paintings. Which was weird because it was a French restaurant, and big chandeliers all over.

I honestly didn't really want to be here, I wasn't the fancy type. I'd father be at home with my family eating take-out Chinese and watching Family Feud. I think I had dressed the part for it though. I was wearing a dark navy blue dress that flared out at the bottom. Along with a pare of black pumps and pearl earrings, and wore my hair up in a bun with two strands hanging around the sides of my face.

The waiter came up to us and placed the check down on the table. He was quite handsome. He had a nice body, hair cut like Leo's but dark brown instead of blonde, and a very charming smile. But he didn't catch my eye like Leo. When I see Leo it's like being hit in the face with a wooden board, but with him it was just like seeing any other "hot" guy.

"How about it?" Frank asked in which I was not paying attention.

"What?" I asked trying to look focused.

"Now that it's legal for you to drink, and I don't mean the wine you've had tonight. Wanna try my scotch?" He asked

"Yeah! Sure!" I said quickly grabbing the dark tinted, cold glass.

"Let's clink!" Frank said then grabbing his wine glass, as did my mom.

They both made clinking sounds when we, well... Clinked I guess is what it's called. Obviously they were a little tipsy.

I made a disgusted face as I scooted the now empty glass toward Frank. "She didn't like it" my mom giggled.

"Either that or she's acting like she doesn't like it but has actually gotten drunk before" he said in more of fact tone.

"What? No, I've never ever, ever drank alcohol before!" I said which made me kind of sound lame. But it was true. I've never wanted to put anything in my body that I didn't need such as drugs, cigarettes, un needed medicine and alcohol.

"Well we should probably get going, everyone should be showing up soon" my mom said as she scooted out of her chair. I stood up and patted my dress behind my bum to make sure it wasn't wedged up or anything.

"I think I should drive" I suggested and they answered with a nod. And we walked out of the restaurant.

I was so excited to see Nina again tonight and another one of my friend from high school, Rudy. But I called him Ross, since he looked almost exactly like Ross Geller from Friends, acted and sounded like him. He was definitely David's doppelganger. And the even stranger thing was that he was majoring in some sort of science thing in college somewhere in Texas.

I was a bit nervous to have Ross and Nina in the same room together after not seeing each other for years. They went out for about a eight months in sophomore year and got pretty close, that's how I met him. They had a bad breakup and ever since don't really get along to well. They're able to tolerate each other but they give each other little shady digs here and there. But to me he's always been the brother I never had.

That night

I walked up the long sidewalk to the teal double doors and stuck my key in. After almost getting it stuck I stumbled in and flipped on the light switch and from behind furniture popped a bunch of people yelling "surprise!"

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