Seeing him again

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                (C/N) = crush's name
                   (Y/N)= your name
                        10 years later
         (Y/N) POV
I was walking down the streets of LA at 7:00 at night with my boyfriend (c/n), my brother Mark Fischbach and our dog Chica. Mark doesn't exactly approve of (c/n) and I's relationship but he deals with it because he loves me. After about 2 hours of walking around, Mark and (c/n) decided to go back to their houses while I wanted to walk around and look at the stars. It was around 11:00 at night when I thought I heard something behind me. I turned around and punched the person who was there. "Ow fuck" they said. Obviously, because they were wearing a hoodie, I would hit them. They fell backwards a little then took off their hood and it was him. I never thought I'd see him again but there he was, Sean was back.
"Oh my god! Sean is it really you?" I blurted out
"Haha yeah it's me...sorry for sneaking up on you like that." He said, muttering the last part. I couldn't say anything so I tackled him in the biggest hug I have ever given.
"Hey wanna go meet my brother?" I said awkwardly
"Sure" was all he said as I led him back to our house
Once we got there I heard Mark talking to Chica so I yelled "MARK I'M HOME!!!!"
"Oh thank god (Y/N) it's you... Who is this, are you cheating on (c/n)?"
"What n-" I started but I was cut of by Sean asking the worlds dumbest question "(Y/N), who is (c/n)?" OMG did he really just ask that? Is he trying to get me killed? "Mark this is old orphanage friend Sean, Sean this is my brother Mark... And Sean, (c/n) is my boyfriend of 6 years.
Jacks POV
...And Sean, (c/n) is my boyfriend of 6 years."
I was just heartbroken. I came here to ask her out. After she left me I was devastated and I haven't stopped thinking about her since that day. But now I don't have a chance.

Again sorry about the short chapters but it's almost 8:30 here which isn't that late, but I really love to sleep so goodnight my little galaxies

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