These Times

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I look around my surroundings. Tick tock tick tock fills my ears. Clocks. I know times running out. I have to keep trying. I sit down and try to think again. Try to focus. Just focus. The tick tocks turn into chatter. I make out the words.

Loser. Fat. Ugly. Useless. Stupid. Crazy. Unwanted.

I try to concentrate. Time I think. Time. I have to keep my eyes close there is not enough time left.

Idiot. Worthless. B****. S***. W****.

Pain fills my chest as my body begins to shake. Concentrate. I'm so tempted to open my eyes. Concentrate. I can feel I'm almost there.

Prostitute. Dirt. Ungrateful. Waste.

I calm down and clear my mind. I begin to hear sentences.

"No wonder its cramped in her! she's taking up the whole space with her fat a**!" "she just a waste of air. A waste of skin." "Gosh no wonder she has no one!"

I gasp and open my eyes. I look at the clock. I was close. Too close. Time. The clocks begin to ring a loud ring that wouldn't shut off. The clocks morph into people.

My torturers.

They throw stuff at me. I cry. Let the tears flow down my face. One of they handed me a razor. I looked at my clear skin. The scars are reopening. The scars that used to be cuts years ago are coming back.

I add more cuts. Let the blood flow down my arm. I know time is up. I as lay there. My spirit leaves my lifeless body. My spirit vanishes. I am nothing. Never have been.


Never will.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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Mini Poem...or something: My home, this worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora