The Dragon And The Witch

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I was surprised when I tried to attack, Bob would not let me get close to the princess. I thought he was pretending to defend the princess to make it look like he was trying to protect her.  I did not know that Bob had fallen in love with the princess. I thought he was going to handover the princess. The mad lad owed me his life! He was a traitor,  I was disappointed. Bob fought me off and escaped with the princess. Bob had been able to learn to fight dragons and was good in the art. I was in shock and I allowed my emotions get in the way. He used that well to his advantage.
Before I became a dragon,  I was a dragon rider myself,  so that explained my initial closeness with the lad.  And why I didn't let him die.
I said I was cursed by a witch, did you bother to know what I did? I was a young orphan, living with my uncle.  He was a dragon rider.  He thought me how to tame dragons and fight the ferocious ones (like me I guess). I trained as a dragon rider for many years. One evening a horrible witch appeared with her black dragon.  She burnt down whole village.  My uncle lost his wife and children that day. We planned to kill the witch and her dragon together. My uncle was far better than I was in fighting dragons . We went into the witch's cave, but her dragon attacked us first. It was bigger than any dragon we had ever faced. The witch pierced her rod turned spear through my uncle's heart, but before she did,  we made sure to kill her dragon by first cutting the wings to stop it from flying around. Then we put a spear through its heart. Dragons hearts are located on the right not the left like humans. But when it comes to me, you might be surprised. (what? You expect me to tell you where my heart is so you can have a clue? No way!)  After we had killed the dragon,  and the witch had killed my uncle,  she tried to kill me but she saw something which you would later know in the story. Then she cursed be hated and hunted by people who didn't know what I really was. (blah blah blah).
After Bob and Lira escaped, the mad witch came to my Lair and told me that if I was still interested in being human, I must get her the heart of the princess. I wanted to be human again and the heart of the innocent princess was the solution to that. I swore to kill the witch after it was all over. She must pay for what she had done to me,  my uncle and his family.