Heart Of Knight Part 4

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-Other Universe-

With the appearance of the five new heroes aiding Spider-man, Nightwing, and Starfire the confrontation got less one sided, however, it was still not enough. While the villains Warp pulled out from different timelines were manageable, Warp still possessed the fragment making him more powerful then before. Whenever things started to look bad for him, he would just make a new time ripple and pull out a group of henchmen to do his bidding, whether they wanted to or not.

"This is getting us nowhere," thought Starfire as she was firing her starbolts at Plasmus.

"Agreed, what's our plan of our attack?" thought Nightwing

"Woah I can hear everyone's thoughts. This is the coolest thing ever; this must be how Professor Xavier feels when he is reading minds. Wait does this make me a mutant? If so I am so flying the blackbird." thought Spider-man.

"Sorry, that's me doing all of this, the name's Miss Martian."

"Wait so I'm not a mutant?"

"Nope." Thought Miss Martian.

"So does that mean everyone heard what I thought?"

"Pretty much." Thought Nightwing.

"Well this is embarrassing." After he finished his thought, his spider-sense went off, and he ducked Clayface's arm that had transformed into a giant hammer. "Ok guys does anybody have any idea on how to stop Warp? The longer the fight goes on, more of this reality falls apart."

"I have an idea you guys just listen up." Nightwing quickly went over his plan and introduced Spider-man to the rest of the team. Spider-man had quickly learned about how after the Titans split up, Nightwing and Starfire were the only ones admitted to the Justice League and together formed Young Justice. After they went over Nightwing's plan, Super-boy grabs Spider-man and started to twirl him around.

"Wait can we rethink this plan?" Super-Boy then lets go of Spider-man and gets launched towards Warp. Warp sees this and creates a blue barrier around himself and Spider-man faceplants himself in front of Warp. "Nightwing your plan really sucks."

As he was getting thrown, Warp's team got distracted and tried to stop Spider-man. As they were distracted, the rest of the team launched a devastating attack on each one of Warp's team. Artemis fired five ice arrows freezing Clayface and then she uses her bow to swing at the frozen Clayface and smashing him into a millions of pieces. Super-Boy punches Cinderblock in the gut with all of his strength a couple of times, grabs his left arm and tosses him to the ground and leaps up to land on top of him and continuously pound on his face until Cinderblock passes out. Aqualad uses his water-bearers and turned the water it was holding into maces and attacks Sandman. He tries to defend himself, but with the maces being made out of water, pieces of Sandman fall off, rendering him armless.

"You should've picked a location where there is more sand than water Marko." He drenches Sandman with water with his bearers, and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to the head, taking him out of the fight.

Scorpion was firing acid from his tail as Kid Flash kept dodging every single one of them. One of his acids barely touches Kid Flashes arm burning a piece of suit off.

"Whoa you almost got me there. Tell you what I'm just going to jog and maybe you can actually get me." Kid Flash ducks out of the way and runs towards Scorpion and punching him each time he ran past him. Scorpion was getting agitated by Kid Flash starts to spin around rapidly and firing acid all over the place with no caution to who he was going to hit.

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