Goodbye My Friend

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    Our story begins with Katie Marie Willosin who is a 6'1 Navy Seal. She is a kind yet tough person. Katie always keeps her ginger colored hair up in a bun. She's anxious to return home to Shepherdstown, Pennsylvania. What Katie doesn't know is that the town's historical past is awake and ready to haunt. She boards the plane home. Katie didn't know that when she bought a house there that it was......... haunted and built on top of the old cemetery the town had before the new one was built. As Katie sat down in her seat items around her house began to go missing.When she arrived at the airport she picked up her luggage from the baggage claim. Katie found her blue truck that she left behind and climbed in. As she was driving to her house on 31 Birchfield Ln, Katie had a feeling something was wrong.

When Katie reached home, she took her bags out of the truck and unlocked the door to her house that she shared with her best friend Lily. She took a seat down on the couch near the phone, that's when it began to ring. Katie picked up the phone and began to cry at what she was just told. The hospital called to tell her that Lily passed away from being ill. After hearing this she hung up on the doctor that called and walked to her now late best friend's room. Katie knew something was up with the atmosphere of her friend's room. She felt as if other people were in the room with her when, no one but Katie herself was in there.Katie took a few steps into the room as silent tears fell from her face and onto the floor.

Katie walked over to her friend's dresser and noticed some pictures were missing. She thought it was strange until there was a sudden thud from the closet as the door slowly opened. She walked over to the closet and saw claw marks on the inside part of the door , she couldn't ignore that until she a wrapped box addressed to her. Katie picked up the colorfully wrapped box and sat on Lily's bed to open it. When she sat down and opened it up there was a letter to her on top of a scrapbook that was made for her by Lily. Katie opened the letter and it said "Dear Katie, By the time you read this I'll have passed away. Why?, you may ask, it's because I was being attacked by ghost who were draining my energy and they were making me weaker day by day. Before I died I made a scrapbook of our friendship along with a video of us being "sisters" together. I've had so much fun being your friend. I'm sorry to cut this letter short but my time is almost up. Love your sister/best friend, Lily June Faulkner." When Katie got done reading the letter she had silent tears streaming down her face. She then proceeded to pick up the scrapbook and look through all the pages until she was flung across the room by an invisible entity with glowing red eyes. Katie should've been scared yet, she wasn't. She was enraged by the fact that this ghost and many others killed her friend by making her ill and pass away.

Katie took the cross that was on the wall and tried to use it against the ghost but, it didn't work. She decided that she couldn't live here anymore so, she quickly grabbed the scrapbook that had the video attached to it on a CD. Katie made a dash for the stairs and ran down them. She then picked up her belongings and ran out the door. Katie threw everything in the passenger's side of her truck, that's when she noticed the gas canister in the back of her truck. She picked up the canister and went back inside the house to pour the gas everywhere on the 1st floor only, knowing that the fire would spread throughout the entire house. Once Katie was done she stood on the porch and lit a match, she then threw the match on the gas causing it to ignite and make the fire spread throughout the house. When she was heading back to her truck memories began flooding through her head of the fun times she and Lily had such as movie nights.

Katie got in her truck and drove away from the now burning house. She would have a long drive to California where her "brother" lived. Katie couldn't wait to see him even though she was adopted, Mark loved her as though they were blood related siblings. About three days later katie reached her brother's house. She knocked loudly on the door and heard her brother along with a bunch of barking. When her brother Mark opened the door he had tears in his eyes because it's been awhile since he's seen his sister Katie. After Katie told her brother Mark what happened he let her live with him for good. She thought she'd finally be free from being haunted by ghosts. But, Katie brought Lily to California with her so that way she could get a different look at scenery before she moved on. Or did she move on? To be continued...... 

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