Chapter 12

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It's awkward. After such a long time, you still can't forget what happened that day.

Nevertheless, you still have to go back to school today and face your own embarrasment. Yep, thats life.

Its kinda early but you can see many students walking toward the school gate along the street.

You started to feel conscious about yourself and can't help but halted in front of your school.

Of course you know those students doesn't know anything about what happened to you and Kakashi.

But those small voices in your head are telling you the opposite.

In your eyes, it looks like people around you are gossiping and humiliating you. Even though they are not.

You feel like running away, locked yourself up and never go out again

Tears began to swell in your eyes, head unconciously hung low.

Its suffocating to bear this. Alone

As you thought of turning around, you could hear a faint voices calling out to you.

"(Y/N)?" It's Minato-sensei. You quickly wiped off those tears before he approached you.

"Why are you standing there? Come inside. You're gonna be late!"

He smiled at you, motioning you to follow him.

You have no choice so you did.

Your pace are slow, like its chained so you have to dragged your feet to walk into the school.

Because of that, Minato-sensei are already out of sight.

You are considering about just run away and don't care even if sensei caught you.

Just when you're deep thoughts, someone bumped into you lightly from behind.

"Sorry." A familiar voice was heard. Both of you and that person lifted up your head to see shock in each others face.

It's him! What should I do now!?

"O-oh..hi (Y/N).." He can't even look straight when he greeted you.

You didn't say anything. You just walked past him and went straight to the classroom.

You didn't mean to do that but Kakashi was definitely disappointed.


"Focus.." You mumbled to yourself but its all futile.

You gave up and rested your head on the table with a sigh

Slowly, your attention are drifted to the silvered hair guy who were sitting beside you.

You tried to keep your eyes away from him but as you looked at his direction, your eyes met his.

It seems like he can't concentrate on the class too.

He looked at you with a mixed of worried and guilty expression before turning his head back to the front.

You didn't want to do this actually.

It hurts you too when you distant yourself from everyone, especially him.

ding dong

After sensei dismissed the class, you went straight to his desk

He immediately noticed you and stood up to meet your gaze.

"I think...we need to talk"

You whispered softly, trying to be a little nicer than this morning

He nodded and guided you to the rooftop.


The silence between the two of you are suffocating.

You guys have been sitting on the bench, waiting for each other to say something.

"I'm sorry"

Kakashi said, with his hands squeezing firmly on his knees.

"Other than sorry, I don't know what I could say anymore."

He sounded nervous, eyes on his foot and his shoulders looks stiff

You didn't want to see him like this

"It wasn't entirely your fault..."

You put your hands on his, trying to calm him down

"Maybe we should just forget what we did tha--"

Before you could finish, a strong pair of arms hugged you, leaving you in shock.

"I don't deserve you, really."

He kissed you on your forehead.

"Please stay with me forever, so that I can repay you"

He pulled away, staring into your soul with his beautiful eyes


You giggled, trying to get used to his sudden affection.

"With all my love for you."

He pulled down his mask, collides his soft lips with yours


A/N : I was surprised after so long I still receive notifications for this fanfic. Just wanna say I don't deserve all this honestly. Ever since I was in college, my coursemates think I was childish to like anime or writing fanfic. And I actually stop myself to do what I like just to fit in. Foolish me. Thank you to all of you. For reminding me this is where I belong.

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