Chapter 14

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"You know what? I'm done with you!"

"Great! I was about to say that too!"

And there goes the brunette girl slamming the classroom door like she owned it.

The sound from it nearly made everyone jumped but no one was surprised by their outburst.

In fact, its almost like a daily routine for them to snapped at each other that no one can take them seriously by now.

Obito just angrily fold his arms across his chest and walked back to his desk.

He seems to be ready to snapped at everyone who looked at his way but as soon as he felt someone touched his shoulder, the anger in his eyes immediately faded.

"What is it now this time?"

Obito frowned at his monotone, it ticked him when he sensed disinterest in Kakashi's voice soemtimes.

"Nothing. Just us being stupid."

"Oh. So you do realized that you guys are stupid."

He almost laughed at it but he decided to hold back, not wanting to hurt his buddy's pride

Obito just stared at the blackboard in front of him. The classroom are already empty by now.

The sunset shines through the windows, making him wandered further into his deep thoughts.

"How can you and (Y/N) be so chill?"

Kakashi jolted at his question, but he still doesn't look at him. Instead, he sat in silence beside Obito, placing his gaze on the windows.

"I don't even know what I did wrong...

why are we even like this...

I'm so tired..."

His googles fell onto his desk, with his hands covering those tears, he finally let his guard down.

"Sometimes, I envy you and Rin"

Kakashi sensed that his friend halted for a moment, but decided to continue when he did not get a reply

"You guys can just...

bring up whatever problem you guys had so freely...

I'm envied by that..."

Obito rubbed off his tears to get a better look at his buddy, only to catch a glimpse of sadness that hurts him even more


She have...

alot of things in her mind I guess...

but she never want to talk to me about them..."

The darkness from outside eloped their surrounding, somehow dampened their mood even more.

Without waiting for any response, Kakashi grabbed his bag and walked towards the entrance and said

"Lets just do our best...Obito"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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