Chapter 7

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  (In Traylon's Car)

Loretta's POV
So it's quiet in the car and nobody is telling me shit. Their faces look like they've seen ghosts 👻.
Me: So is someone gonna start spilling the tea or is it just going to be fucking crickets the whole car ride😡.
(silence for about 30 secs)
Kyla is looking at Traylon through the rear view mirror like she wanted him to tell me but instead he looked in the mirror and then back to the road. I guess he was too uncomfortable to say anything 😕.
Me: Crickets it is 😒
So it looks like we are going back to my house but I could tell that Traylon was out of it because he ran at least 5 lights so far. When we turned on our street we see police cars, yellow tape, and neighbors outside. So we all get out the car running towards the police 🏃💨
Me: What the hell happened
Police #1: Ma'am im going to have to ask you to stay behind the yellow tape.
Me: Nigga if you don't get your deformed Johnny Bravo, always skipped a leg day, big foot, look like the shit up his ass (pointing to another police officer), barely a comb over, looking ass back over here and you're going to tell me what happened 😤😲.
Traylon: Uh what she really means is we actually live here and, you guys had called me because you couldn't get in contact with my mother? 
Police #2: Yes your mother didn't answer the phone, the note that we have was on the fridge stating that she was going out to the store. Were you aware of this?
Me & Traylon: No 😕
Kyla: Their mom was still in the house studying when we left.
Traylon's POV
Our mom went back to school to get her high school diploma and her rules were while she was studying,  not to bother her or come into her room to ask her anything.
Police #1: Come in and follow me.
We all follow the policemen inside and we see broken glass, furniture turned over, and blood 😷.
Kyla: Damn this shit is not adding up and I'm good at math.
Me: Who's blood is this anyway?
P #1: Well we don't know
Lolo: What you mean yall don't know,  man yall are the worst gang ever yall don't serve and protect. Yall just be nosy and keep it moving.
Kyla: Fr how yall not know?!
P#2: Well we do not know yet, our team is running tests as we speak.
Lolo: Why didn't you just say that in the beginning!! (To p#1)
P#1: Well you just assumed that we weren't doing our job.
Lolo: Im about to beat your ass till this tile has a dent in it you this close 👌.
P#1: You realize I can doc that down as a threat right?
Lolo: Go ahead but I'll switch the word threat to a promise 😤. Matter fact a 100% guarantee.

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