
14 1 0

You could put some joy
upon my face
or sunshine in a
empty place

As I stare at the puddle.

A loud crash followed by an ear piercing scream sounds through the house.

The scream causes me to drop to my knees covering my ears to block out the painful sound.

My brain feels like it is vibrating so hard its as if it is melting.

"Banshee!" Katy screams as loud as she can, but only comes out as a whisper.

"Mary." I whisper getting worried.

Then the screaming stops.

I slowly stand up. Ears ringing, brain burning.

It's silent....too silent

When I am stable I start for the door to get Mary.

I reach out to grab the doorknob, but before I can get hold of it the door goes flying off of it's hinges, crashing down the stairs, landing at the bottom of the staircase.

I am slightly shocked but brush it aside.

'I need to get Mary and leave!' I think to myself, a new found determination boils through me to stay alive.

I am down the stairs in an instant and find her lying on the floor, unconscious.

Broken glass decorates the floor and tables. Every single window is broken, and door off it's hinges.

I pick Mary up bridal style and begin to head upstairs when a hand grabs me, covering my mouth.

I turn to see Katy, mentally and physically relaxing.

"I packed some stuff for you two." She whispers. "Let's get out of here." She says as we run towards the door.

The sun immediately hits down on as as Katy takes Mary out of my arms, placing Mary on her back as we get outside.

We stop for a second when we hear the sounds of barking. We look around and see nothing.

The sound gets louder and louder.

Then I see them. They fade into plain view, bolting towards us.

Their armor shines in the sun as they majestically gain in on us.

"Stop in the name of Slater!" The lead, from the other day demands as they circle us.

Then a girl with chocolate brown hair that I never saw before comes forward.

'She's beautiful.' I think as I take in her appearance.

She has long brown hair that hits her waist, as golden sand is braided into her hair.

Her skin is extremely pale.

As she gets closer I notice that all over her, a light shade of blue gently kiss her skin.

'She is like a beautiful sea creature.'

Turquoise eyes that make her look so abnormal.

Writers Forest[Editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt