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So wake me up
When its all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time
I was finding myself
And I didn't know
I was lost

I am forcefully woken up by someone violently shaking my shoulders, pulling me out of my dreamless sleep.

I groan as my eyes flick open, coming face to face with Author.

"Have you packed everything?" He asks in a rushed whisper.

It take me a few seconds to register what he is referring in.

I sleepily nod when he pulls the duvet of of my warm body.

I stand up ready to hive him a piece of my mind when he clasps his hand over my mouth.

"The girls are sleeping. You shout, and we can then just forget about this." He says.

I notice now that he has a hiking bag on his back.

He tilts his head in the direction of my bag on the floor, gesturing for me to pick it up, so we can go.

Rubbing the last of the sleep out of my eyes, I throw my bag over my shoulders, giving the room a once over to make sure I didn't forget anything.

I look at Author, who nods his head as we walk over to the door of my room.

"Can't we just teleport to wherever we are going?" I ask.

'It would be so much easier.' I think and a smile appears on my face when I remember that no one can give a smart comment to what I just thought.

"Still the idiot of the family, huh?" He ask with an amused smile on his face.

With the confused look on my face he adds with a huff, "The creatures that follow Slater willingly will smell the scent of power being used, making it easier for them to find us." He says.

When we have made it to the front door unnoticed, we slowly turn the nob and slip out of the apartment, closing the door behind us.

We then run as fast as we can down the flights of stairs. 

'He is in shape for an old guy.' I think disbelievingly.

When we get to the parking lot, he pulls fancy looking keys out of his pocket.

Probably drives some old rusty car.

He pushes unlock on the keys and a Jeep Cherokee lights up, beeping twice.

I freeze in my spot as he throws his bag in the backseat.

"You coming or not?" He asks when he realizes that I am not next to him.

When I am in the car he starts to drive out.

When we eventually get onto the freeway, he opens the lid of a compartment on his steering wheel, which reveals a bright pink button.

"Pink?" I ask, trying hard to conceal my laughter.

"Your grandmother chose it." His face takes on a sad expression, and I decide to to ask about her.

He pushes the button and the car speeds down the road.

My skin feels like its tearing off of my face. I look out my window and everything is just lines on light.

Within fifteen minutes he pushes the button again. 

The car immediately holts. My seatbelt tears off, sending me   forward, towards the windshield.

I prepare myself for impact with my hands over my face as I go flying forward.

'Thud' is the only sound that I hear  as I hit the dusty sand ground.

I groan in pain as the wind is knocked out of me.

When I get my breath back, I stand up. Looking around to identify where I am.

All I see is desert.

Dry, thirsty land, everywhere.

The only thing other than sand and tumbleweeds is a cave. It isn't that big.

I then see Author at the entrance, as he gestures for me to enter.

I speed walk to the cave, still feeling pain, everywhere.

As I enter the cave Author walk around me to a metal door on the floor.

He opens it and jumps inside, after a few seconds of waiting  he calls for me to come down.

When I get down it is dark, damp and it stinks.

The only light, a small battery powered flashlight in Authors hand.

"Where are we?" I block my nose as the smell gets stronger.

"Do you really need to ask" he says as a melodic laughing escapes his lips.

It sounds so out of place.

"Follow me." He starts to walk down the drain and I follow him, praying we are almost out of here.

After what felt like year, we halt in front of a giant metal door.

He turned all the handles on it and pushed it open.

"Rinse you shoes first in the little gap pool at the entrance." He says as he walks in.

My breathe is caught in my thought as I look around.

We are in the foyers of an enormous mansion.

"Where are we?" Not sure what to make of this scene, as I stand in the gap pool.

"My house." He nonchalantly states.

"What, you live in DC." I say as a matter of factly.

"I was a king, remember,?" He says, as if that should explain everything.

"You can practice your powers here. There is a block on this part of the world, so feel free to go wild." He says with a smile on his face.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

"The Outback." He says as his smile gets bigger.

My mouth falls to the floor at this news.

"We only drove for fifteen minutes." I am getting more confused by the second. 

"Super speed, duh. Anyway, we need to craft a plan to get the scroll." Seriousness creeps in his tone as he says this.

He walks into a room on the left of the foyer and I follow him.

We both sit at a conference sized table.

He pull out a large blueprint of some museum looking building.

"Whats this?" Not exactly able to piece anything together, I cautiously ask.

"That is the scroll with the prophecy." He says pointing to a small square on the paper.

"We are getting it back."


Writers Forest[Editing]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя