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(this is a nick bean imagine. please request things, it gets boring if I don't have requests!!)

Your P.O.V.

I smiled as the comments filled up.

Who's that?

who is she?

are they dating?

are they fucking?


I just laughed. "Guys this is my girlfriend, Y/n." Nick said, taking my hand. He kissed my cheek softly and whispered, "Babe, introduce yourself." I smiled and turned to the broadcast, "Uh, hi. i'm y/n and yeah Nick and I are dating, and have been dating for a while." I said, smiling and squeezing Nick's hand.

We were on broadcast for over an hour just talking and stuff and playing games and prank calling people. It was really fun, I was glad that his fans were okay with us being together. We have been dating for three years and we always hinted at us dating but we never said anything because of how crazy everything could've gone.

It was okay for awhile but now that we live together it would be hard for us to hide the fact that we were together. So Nick and I talked about it and we both decided it would be for the best if we just told his fans that we were dating. We explained everything on broadcast and answered as many questions as we could.


A year later...

Nick and I have been together for four years and living together for one and a half. We were so happy with each other and our fans were super supportive.

I woke up to Nick shaking my arm, "Y/nnnn!! Babeee!! Get up pleaseee!!!" He begged, an adorable smile on his face. I groaned and rolled over, "Nick... what is it? I wanna sleep..." I said sleepily. Nick crawled up beside me and kissed me playfully. He kissed my forehead, my cheek, my neck, my jawline, my shoulders, pretty much anywhere he could. He was also tickling me at the same time.

I was laughing so hard and my stomach hurt so bad, "Nick!! oh my gosh Nick stop!" I said between gasps and fits of laughter. Nick stopped, He was on top of me with that same silly and stupid grin on his face. "Are you up now?" he asked with a smile. I laughed and sat up, making him get off of me, "Yes, now why did you wake me up?" I said, still catching my breath. Nick took my hand, "Come with me i'll show you." He whispered.

I laughed and followed him downstairs. I was blown away. The floor was covered in flower petals and there was a bunch of pictures on the floor, pictures of us. they spelled out "Will you marry me?" I gasped and stepped back, my eyes tearing up. Nick got down on one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket, "Babe, what do you say? Will you marry me?" He whispered. I started crying and I pulled him up and hugged him, "Yes! oh my god Nick of course I will marry you!" I cried. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. We just stayed there for a while, holding each other. Nick calmed me down.

He pulled back and wiped the tears off of my face, then slipped the ring onto my finger. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. We kissed softly.

and we lived happily ever after.........................

the end.

(Of this part not the entire fanfiction lol no)

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