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"Name: Justine

Age: 15

Who: Mario Tomas Selman

Kind: Cute

How: Can it be that he comes and surprises me at one of my band competitions but gets jealous from one of the guys who are in it with me. Also for the guy could it be one of the jara twins it doesn't matter which one. Sorry if I'm complicated let me know if you need anything else!"

Justine's P.O.V.

I was sitting with Julian on the bus on our way to Finals. This was exciting, it was the second year in a row that our band made it to Finals. "This is crazy. I can't believe we're going to finals again!" Jovani said. I laughed and turned towards him. He was sitting opposite of me and Julian.

"I know right?! I really hope we get a good placing this year." I said. Julian nodded, putting his head on my shoulder, "That would be super cool." He said. I laughed and pushed his head gently off of my shoulder. We sat on the bus and talked the entire ride, me, Julian, Jovani, Alexia (one of my close friends), Faith (another one of my close friends), and Nathan (one of Julian and Jovani's friends) sat together and talked, ate food, and sometimes played games. We did it for every competition. It was actually really fun.

The best part of marching band is always the bus rides. I can sit and talk to my friends, but today was a bit different. I had been crushing on Julian's friend Mario for a couple months now and we have been talking. Recently it seems like he's been flirting with me and of course I asked Julian and showed him our conversations and Julian said that he is definitely flirting with me. It made me really happy but I don't know what to do about it because I really like him but i'm not entirely sure if he likes me back.


We just got to the Tropicana Dome, where finals were being held this year. I was still texting Mario.

Justine: We just got to the tropicana dome!! Going to get concessions with Julian because we're both super hungry.

Mario: Oh... you're still hanging out with Julian?

Justine: Yeah? he's my friend of course i'm hanging out with him.

Mario: oh... okay. well good luck today!!

Justine: thanks mario ^-^

I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. I was confused. Mario seemed mad or jealous that I was hanging out with Julian. It didn't make any sense. He knew we were friends and we hung out all the time during band, I don't know why it was bothering him now.

Julian and I were down at concessions and I was looking at what they had. Julian was on his phone but I wasn't paying any attention to what he was doing. "Hey Justine!" I hear someone call. I turn around and see Mario only about 5 feet away from me. I break into a huge smile and run over to him, jumping into his arms and giving him a huge huge.

"Mario! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed. He laughed and set me down gently, "I came to see my girl perform at Finals." He said smiling. I Stopped and pulled away from him slightly, "Wait... you have a girlfriend?" I asked. His smiled faded, "Well, kind of. I really like her and my friend told me that she likes me back but she keeps hanging out with guy and talks about him nonstop... it makes me kind of jealous." He said, blushing a bit.

I pouted, my heart falling a bit, "I'm sorry Mario that sucks. Who is she?" I asked as sweetly as I could. He let go of me and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well her name starts with a Justin and ends with and e..." My eyes went wide and I smacked his arm, "MARIO! Oh my god I swear me and Julian are just friends..." I trailed off as I realized something. "Wait, you like me?" I asked. Mario blushed, looking down at his feet and nodded. I smiled a huge smile, "I like you too." I said

Mario looked up at me, "So... I mean, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked, stuttering a bit.

I smiled, "Of course." I said, giving him a quick kiss, "I'll be your girlfriend."

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