Chapter one: The Unknown Hero

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Malik- King
Nawab- Nobleman

~2 months later~

"PLEASE DON'T!" I screamed as I watched through teary eyes, the heavily armoured guards pulling Mina toward the guillotine. "She's just a little girl!" I cried falling to my knees.

"Orders are orders" A guard who was standing beside the guillotine said.

"A thief gets what they deserve" Another guard sneered, making Mina kneel behind the wooden board and tying her small resistant body down against it. She screamed and pushed as hard as any person her size could, when eventually she became tired and stopped hesitating.

"Please! Atleast let me speak to the Malik! Have my head instead!" I ran forward but I was harshly pushed back by another two guards in front of me.

"Stop pestering us girl, or we'll have her head aswell as yours" the taller one growled.

The executioner put on his black mask, reached for the sword and before I could think another word, the sword was swung.

My vision became hazy, the world was spinning at an uncomfortable speed and my body felt numb. Everything after that was just darkness.


"Hey! Hey! Wake up!!" someone whispered in my ear, slapping me across the face strongly.
"Come on, the ship is going to leave without you!" He half shouted half whispered. The only thing that I could recognise about this person was that he was a boy. Did he say ship?

I managed to split my red eyes open, the light was too bright for me to see much, causing me to squint, but when my they focused, it was clear that above me were another pair of brown eyes.

"Woah" I said in shock. "Get away from me" I pushed him aside, then failing my attempts to stand up.

"Here" he said, placing his hand out for me to hold. I hesitated at first before hooking onto it as he helped me to my feet.

"Thank you...nawab" I said, looking away. I knew he was of high ranking, from the jewels engraved on his clothes and his shoes. "I'm truly sorry for the rudeness, I didn't know you were a.. nawab" I said, tilting my head down. He alarmingly stepped towards me and placed his fingers underneath my chin, pushing my head up. This allowed me to have a better look at him. I recognised him, I saw him standing in the balcony above the the guillotine. That was the first time I've properly looked at him, although I'd seen him walk around the palace occasionally before. He had dark curly hair, he was tall, with sharp facial features and slightly tanned skin- like mine. A sword was wrapped at the belt of his waist and his clothes screamed of money.

"It's okay. The executioner is looking for you, if you don't leave now, you're going to die" he said. I looked at him as if he was crazy. We were in an empty room with a window infront of us. I had never been in this part of the palace but I recognised it as the bell tower.

"Wait. What?!" I said in a startled tone after processing what he had just told me. Why am I sentenced to die?

"When you fainted, one of the guards went to inform the Malik. The Malik said you were too weak to be working at a palace and he ordered your beheading. I knew he would order that, so I took you up here, where the guards won't easily find you, but before long they will, so you must leave" he explained. I stared at him with wide eyes.

"But how do you definitely know he ordered my beheading, since you weren't there?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"My servant informed me. Infact, he's standing at the bottom of this tower right now, and if you don't leave soon, he will be killed because I ordered him to stop any guards that try to enter" he said. I looked around, my thoughts all over the place, my heart racing like it never had before. I felt weak and tired and slightly nauseous. But I looked into his eyes and I knew I had to get out of here.

"Where will I be going?" I said, turning my head toward the window.

"The ship will leave Tiqar today and it will take you South, to Sareas, you will reach there within a week. From there you are free to do whatever you wish." He smiled. He reached toward the bag tied next to his sword and placed it in my hand. "In this bag is enough coins for the ship and enough for you to start a better life" I looked down at the bag, with relief and confusion at the same time.

"But why are you doing this? All I am is a slave. Why would you want to save my life" I asked.

He paused. "I don't know" he replied. "Maybe it's because you're pretty" he smiled again. "Or maybe something is telling me that there is a small fire inside of you, and today is not the day you will die" He said. "But promise me that you will return one day. No longer a slave. With money of your own. So that I can prove to people that I really did save someone's life once" he slightly laughed and I smiled.

"Ofcourse I will" I replied.

"Before you go, may I ask what your name is?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Naeva" I said, pursing my lips.

"Of?" He asked.

"I don't know. I don't know where I'm from, or who my parents are. I'm just Naeva" I replied.

"Ah. Well Naeva, I am honoured to meet you" He reached for my hand and lightly kissed it.

"And you are?" I asked, but he suddenly pushed me towards the back door of the tower. I could hear loud footsteps, quickening their pace, which made my stomach turn and my body shake.

"I've ordered another servant to meet you at the bottom, in the back, she'll lead you to your ship, have a safe journey my lady" He opened the door, urging me to go forward, and I did, I ran and I ran as fast as I could down the wooden stairs, one hand holding the money and the other holding my gown up. As I reached the bottom, I pulled my scarf across my face to make it harder to recognise me and I ran towards the back, almost tripping over a few times before opening the door. There, a tall girl with short hair stood, who looked around the same age as me. She took my hand and pulled me outside, and we ran far enough until we were no longer in the palace and were surrounded by sand. We stopped to catch our breath a few times but kept running a short distance until we reached the stony shore. There were dozens of ships there, but she walked me to the one closest to us, and gave me a quick hug before running back in the direction of the palace.

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