Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Short Sorry :(

"W-Who are you?" Louis stuttered keeping his distance.

"You don't remember me?" The husky voice asked. Louis bit his lip.

"Harry?" He asked. Harry stepped closer.

"Yes.." He whispered, his hot breath now against Louis' neck.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked in a hushed tone.

"For you. Your irresistible. I want you to be mine." He said. The words hit Louis' ears like bricks. He wanted to be his, but something was pulling him back.

"No, please leave me alone." Louis said starting to get scared, his heart beating faster. He just wanted to get out of this alleyway.

Harry grabbed him by the wrist.

"Please be mine." Harry begged. Louis could see Harry's dark sparkle in the little light that shown.

"I don't want to I'm sorry.." Louis said and got out of Harry's grip and ran. He ran as fast as he could to his flat.

He looked behind him, in fear Harry was still determined to go after him. Louis quickly unlocked the door, stumbling inside.

He walked over to the couch and panted, being a while since he ran like that. His head pounded, a headache starting to come his way.

He groaned and pushed himself up, walking to the bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out two pills to help his headache.

He groaned remembering he started at a new high school tomorrow. He sighed. He hated living alone. But it was his only choice.

He peeled off his clothes and hoped into the shower, humming softly to himself.

"Louis...." He heard. His eyes widened. "Who's there?" He called out.

The voice sounded again, sounding more and more like Harry.

He pulled open the curtain, seeing nothing. He realized the voices were in his head.

"How did he...." Louis trailed off, wanting to know how he could hear Harry in his head.

A/N: Helllloooo! Yay or nay on this fanfic? Okay!! Thank you! Love Y'all! Update Wenesday :)

~Amanda :)

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